Wow what a great night! Bonnie and I went to the Come to the Well Tour that the Afters are playing on. We have been so excited to see Jordan play!!! (My niece Alexandra and Jordan are getting married in December! All 5 Wogs are in the wedding! Jordan is the drummer for the band) It was sold out and we were lucky and squeezed in up front in the VIP section!! Jordan came out and played the drums with the opening act and it was so great to see him. We also got to see Sean Yost, Theresa from the Promise and Bonnie's school teacher, Mike and his wife Christy.
I met Jordan when he came to Beaches Chapel School when he was in middle school. I was the youth pastor at the time and led the daily chapels. Jordan was always a stand out kid. Not because he was boisterous and loud but because he was always focused and mature. He had a quiet strength about him. He never acted up or was disrespectful like so many Jr. high boys are. Jordan had recently got a guitar and I gave him his first guitar lesson and got him up on stage playing during chapels. It’s a joke we talk about all the time because I am no musician and Jordan is a genius. He has a God given talent that has impressed me so much through the years. He not only plays every instrument but is a very gifted producer. He joined YouthQuake Live and played on the first album we ever did. That is when he got to know Alexandra and they began dating.
What I love so much about Jordan is the fact that he pursued his dream to work in the music business with his whole heart and achieved his dream. It’s a rare thing for a child to do! We all have dreams and most of them stay just that, a dream that never comes true. I plan on supporting my kids in their quest pursuing their dreams. I know Jordan’s mom Angie, must sit in that crowd and be overflowing with joy and pride in her son!
We had a very special moment last Christmas with Jordan. He surprised Bubba and gave him one of his first guitars. Bubba had been begging for an electric guitar for years. It was the most kind, generous things and I promised we would protect it so it can go in Jordan’s hall of fame museum one day!
Bonnie and I cheered, sang and worshipped and even held a cell phone up during light up the sky. I leaned over and told her that when I used to go to concerts we would stop and buy lighters and all light them up. She looked shocked and possibly afraid at the thought! I realized how dangerous that might be, LOL! My brother gave me a big hug during the concert and we laughed about the countless concerts we went to together back in the day! Some of our favorites were Tom Petty, David Bowie, and we can’t forget the Rolling Stones. We sure have come along way and I love that my brother, who is an incredible musician himself, will have a new son who can share the love of music with him and William. God is good!
Lighting up the sky! |
Jordan invited us to their tour bus and we got to see where they live on the road. It was super nice and we had a great time visiting with the band! I am very excited to have Jordan as an official family member even though I have loved him for many years. (No, it’s not just because of the red hair!) It’s been a wonderful thing to watch him grow into such a successful, but still sweet young man who is sold out to God and making a difference in people’s lives all around the world. I know he and Alexandra are going to do great things for God, more than they could ever ask or think and I am so happy I get to be their cheerleader!!
We ended our girl’s night out with a Peppermint milkshake from Chick-fil-A. It really doesn’t get better than that! :)