I had come to a place of disillusionment of what ministry
was about. I discovered it was a
bunch of hard work, dealing with crazy parents of teenagers who expected you to
fix all their kids problems, which they created over the life of their
child. It was grueling and I was loosing
my heart for youth ministry.
So many sad stories and hopeless situations and it was getting to be too
much. Christians didn’t act like I
thought they should and I was about ready to give up.
Last night, we hosted a Conference at our church and invited
Sean to be our guest speaker. That
funny cast member is now our worship leader who has written powerful original
songs that were captured in a live recording which is being produced by my nephew, William Smith! (Also a stand-out cast member of YouthQuake Live!) It was like a crazy clash of my hopes and dreams colliding right
before my eyes. Pastor Howard has
fostered and allowed unprecedented collaboration, freedom and unity at our
church like I have never experienced in 40+ years! He has helped to mend broken relationships and open our
church up to new opportunities like never before! He has empowered his staff to grow and develop in their
gifts and talents! I felt the good
pleasure of the Lord last night as we launched our first Called
Conference! I believe supporting
and partnering with churches is a true picture of what the Body of Christ is
suppose to be! I believe it is the
true heart of God for us to love and support other ministries!
I remember many years ago meeting another passionate, on
fire guy who had contagious
joy! I was at a church event with
Sean Yost when John Wyatt was introduced.
Sean told me he was involved with an awesome surf ministry. Little did I know that his wife would
become one of my very best friends, his daughter and my daughter would be best
friends and dancers, that we would be raising our families together at the same
school and in the same neighborhood.
It blows my mind how God strategically brings people together for His
plans and purposes! Now John
is our guest speaker tonight!
Again…mind blown today as I ponder the goodness and the faithfulness
of God! I am so grateful I didn’t
throw in the towel, turn my back on church and ministry when times got
tough! I am overwhelmed with
thankfulness that dreams do come true!!
I guess it’s time to dream a new dream! Who knows what’s coming next!!! BOOM!!