We went home to have left-over cake from her party! She opened her presents from the family and ended up with some nice spending money! She got some really nice outfits too and was the most enthusiastic model I have ever seen (and super cute too!)

On Friday, she went to the Town Center with my mom and they had a fabulous time in Justice and Claire's! She was so proud of her $4 pink purse she got on sale and also picked out two adorable bathing suits! They also enjoyed cheesecake factory!
Maggie was one of the most
beautiful babies I have ever seen.
She was a chunky, healthy looking baby, which is hard to believe now
because she is so thin. I always
marveled at her beautiful eyes.
The rest of my kids have a lighter complexion like me and Maggie has always
looked like she has mascara on with her dark lashes. She had the brightest blue eyes and would raise her eyebrows
up and down when she was happy which was most of the time. She was such a blessing to our
family. I remember being so afraid
to have her. Bubba never slept and
I couldn’t wrap my brain around having two non-sleeping children at the same
time. She loved her pacifier and
her gigi (blanket) and would just lay in her bed, watching her mobile and go to
sleep all by herself.
I remember
being so nervous when I was about to have her. She was due on 4th of July. My doctor that I loved was going out of
the country and I was sad that she wouldn’t be with us for this birth. Her practice was no longer going to be delivering babies. The day of my last checkup before she
left town was 22 days before my due date.
I woke up early with an intense contraction. I started having contractions at 17 weeks pregnant with Maggie and
had them the whole pregnancy so I just ignored them but this one was
different. I sat on the couch for
an hour and had them just a few minutes a part. I was pretty scared because I didn’t know if Maggie was
ready or big enough to be born. I
woke Dan up at 7 and told him I thought I may be in labor and of course he was
DOCTOR…” I had an early appointment and told him to relax.
The doctor came in and we
talked about her trip and then she asked me how I was doing. I told her I thought I was in labor and
she seemed concerned because of how early I was and how fast I delivered. Sure enough, I was already 7
centimeters dilated. She sent me to the hospital and put me on a monitor to see
how fast my contractions were.
After a couple hours she came in to have a heart to heart talk with me. She confirmed that I was in active
labor and she didn’t feel comfortable letting me go home. She was also concerned that the baby
was too early and that her lungs may not be fully developed. She was going to have an ambulance waiting
in case we needed to rush Maggie downtown to NICU. I was so very scared. I couldn't fathom having my baby wisked away from me and taken to a different hospital. This is not the way I wanted to deliver my baby. We prayed and got prepped for
delivery. I could see the ambulance
drivers outside in the hall waiting for the word. I quickly delivered Maggie and when I heard her cry, it was
the best sound ever. They gave her
to me and I knew she was totally fine when I saw her chunky little legs. She
weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was a beautiful girl in everyway.
I was so happy that Bonnie
had a sister. I have always been
thankful for my two sisters. They have always been there for me! I pray that
when Maggie, Bonnie and Annie are adults, the will be best friends! Blood truly does run thicker than
water! There is a bond like no other with sisters!
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