Friday, April 3, 2015

Why Church?

As I was suffering today getting through my Yoga exercise video, looking like a complete moron, I focused on the crosses on my wall.  To take my mind off of my exercise, I started pondering the cross, church and it’s importance in my life.  Pretty deep thoughts while balancing awkwardly in the warrior pose. 

I was overwhelmed with thankfulness that somehow in a miraculous way my family has weathered all the storms that have happened in my church experience over the last 40 something years.  They call it the Church Family for a reason.  It’s because the church has just as many problems as families do.  They disagree, they hurt, they gossip, they betray.  On the flip side, they love, they give, they pray, they serve, they forgive just like families do. It’s a true journey to join and stay a part of a church family for any length of time.  It comes down to a choice.  A choice to forgive and to stay planted. 

This morning I spend time wondering how my parents managed to stay in a church for my entire life and what fruit it has brought in my family as a result.  See…good things do come from yoga lol. I am not writing this to guilt anyone for not going to church because there are plenty of hard things I have had to overcome in my church experience but the good outweighs the bad. It may be the one thing I end up doing right in my parenting experience, being faithful to raise my kids in the house of God.

Today on Good Friday, I am first grateful that I have a Savior.  I am grateful that He willingly laid His life down for my sins.  He daily helps me choose His ways, which have made me a much better person than my selfish heart, wants to be.  I sense His presence when I am afraid.  I feel His comfort when I am hurt. I sense His peace when I am overwhelmed. I don’t serve a judgmental God who just wants to restrict me and control my life. He doesn’t desire to take away my fun.  My God has brought me freedom and joy.  He is my daily help in times of trouble.  He is my strength when I don’t think I can go on.  He is my hope when I see none.  He is the secret to my survival.  This is the God that I wish the entire world could know. 

How did I come to know my God in this intimate way?  It started by asking Jesus to forgive my sins and to come into my life.  I spend time with Him daily.  I have grown spiritually through my Church Family through regularly going to church, raising my family in church and not pulling our roots out when I was offended, bored, unchallenged, irritated, frustrated or discouraged.  If you have given up on your church, go back this Easter and commit and replant yourself again despite the ups and downs. It won't be easy.  All hell breaks loose at the Wogs house before church.  

Thank you Yoga for helping me focus on what is important today.  Thank you Jesus for loving me despite my crazy ginger self.  Thank you to my parents who never left the church family that God planted them in.  Great is your godly heritage because of your faithfulness…31 God serving family members to date.  And that is why I go to church every week.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

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