Saturday, September 12, 2015

For the Love

I had a mother of a dear friend visit recently.  After I mentioned how crazy my life is, she said that I looked like I had everything under control in my life according to Facebook.  I have thought about that a couple times and felt the need to shed some truth on my Wog life. Truth:  Everyday I fail at something.  I forget to do something, hallucinate that I did, and neglect to sign something vital for my kids.   I do believe that God has given me the ability to shake it off (thanks Taylor for stealing that phrase forever), to move on and to LET IT GO! (Thanks Disney for officially making me a cliché abuser!)  I honestly don’t have time to wallow in my failures but must move on because somebody needs me to drive them somewhere!

Last week a friend brought me the book by Jen Hatmaker, For the Love!  It has been such a tremendous blessing already and I am only on chapter 5.  I have heard myself laugh out loud…yes I mean LOL more than I have heard in a long, long time! My laughing has shocked my ears, which makes me sad.  I have obviously been under too much stress!  Jen's book feels like my inside voice released!!  We do have the five-kid thing in common which puts us in a rare, exclusive, insane group…(no we are not all like Ruth Graham or Joel Osteen’s mother!)  Each chapter I have read had a profound effect on me and has resonated within me long after I put the book down. I just know we would be BFF's if we weren't so dang busy!

Some highlights for me so far….When Jen was asked about how she balanced, work, family and community…I just LOVED her answer…balance is like a unicorn she said! “We’ve heard about it, everyone talks about it and makes airbrushed T-shirts celebrating it, it seems super rad but we haven’t actually seen one.  I’m beginning to think it isn’t a thing”.  Preach Sister!!  (I almost lost it yesterday when I saw a young girl rockin a unicorn shirt) I stopped years ago seeking balance…maybe after I personally birthed the 4th or 5th Wog!  I almost choke when I hear a mother complain about not ever having “ME TIME.”  I can’t even remember what that is like.  I think it’s awesome when moms manage this but I think staying focused on thankfulness is my secret to a happy life so far.

In Chapter 2, Jen talks about the joys of turning 40.  “Old Lady Hands!”  Oh my heavens have I thought the same thing…what in the world!!  You look down and its shock and awe in a bad way!   I could see really vain ladies googling hand transplants for sure after really processing Jen’s assessment.  I got a lot of good laughter medicine from that chapter!!

In Chapter 3, Jen gets all deep and surprised me but I may have clapped and given her a standing ovation during her description of “Calling”.  I hear people all the time talk about their “Calling” and sometimes it feels like a prison more than serving God, like they are restrained in their calling box.  I was “called” into the ministry when I was 19, got ordained and have served God in a thousand random ways through the last 20 something years.  Calling to me has been hard work, doing crap jobs and serving people most of the time when it is completely inconvenient and a sacrifice to my family and my time off!  I loved that she validated my feelings about what ministry really is.

Chapter 4 was an honest girlfriend chat about how almost NO ONE (except Jessica Alba) needs to wear yoga pants with no shirt covering their behind!  I know Yoga is all the rage but I think Jen is right on this one!  Chapter 5 is my favorite so far!  RUN YOUR RACE!!  I just bet Jen was a cheerleader!  I felt pumped up after reading this chapter.  She basically says quit trying to do all things and figure out what you are good at and freaking DO IT!  The thing that moved me the most personally was how she finally realized her humor is a gift from God that she doesn’t have to stifle herself  anymore.  I have always tried to restrain myself and the funny thoughts I have.  I know some of you faithful friends are like THANK GOD AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Don’t worry or add me to your prayer list over this….I have plenty of real things you should focus on!  It just made me feel OK that sometimes I am pretty darn hilarious…at least to myself but less often to my kids the older they get!  I will continue to curb the inside voice and pray that Jesus will keep his holy filter over my mouth but I just felt like Jen gave me a nice hug and a pat on the back saying, crack that joke honey and I will laugh with you!

I see future For the Love blogs coming forth as I am moved through the rest of the book but wanted to encourage everyone to read this book even if you have found balance and you are a happy wife and homemaker who bakes, cleans and crafts, I feel certain there will be something profound for you!  I will be expecting a thank you note from Jen and a personal signed book thanking me for this free advertising I just gave her through my blog LOL!   I pray that God will keep blessing her and using her to release the psychotic pressure we crazy women put on ourselves in a million ways. I pray that she will keep reminding us to be each others cheerleaders more often than judging and offer more encouragement and love than every before!  Now to chapter 6!  Thanks Jen!!!  

1 comment:

  1. So glad to know you & Jen are just like so many other women trying to do it all, but realizing we are not super human. I think some women look at other women and think they have it all together. It's good to just know that no one truly has it all together and we have a lot in common. We are doing our best. For me, there is just not enough hours in the day to do it all. I work full time and usually work overtime hours to make ends meet (pay bills). I would love to have a perfectly clean house & have everything perfectly organized (not gonna happen). We all have to clean unless we can afford to pay someone else to do it (not me). When I have a day off I want to sleep or do something fun. I also have a sense of humor, and I think that is what gets me through most of my days. I love your blog and can relate to everything you're saying. It's good to know others are going through the same things.
