Sunday, August 9, 2020

My Daughters....

My son Eddie and I watched the movie Suffragette tonight and it sent me into an introspective state.  I grew up with NO limitations.  I had amazing parents who gave me a firm foundation so that I never thought I was limited because I was a female...that thought was almost shocking.  When I entered into ministry and encountered denominational men in ministry, I realized that other female ministers had suffered with this archaic mentality.  They probably thought I was peculiar because I never related to their feminist cause….honestly it never crossed my mind because of my upbringing.
I never had to fight the female war because others went before me...Emily Wilding Davidson’s death was reported across the world and drew global attention to the fight for women’s rights.  I can’t even wrap my brain around being discriminated for being a female at the level that they suffered. When you have a father who loved and empowered you your entire life and made you feel like NOTHING was impossible to you, it’s hard to relate. When you have a husband who told people when you were dating that you were the “smartest person he knew” you go into adulthood feeling invincible and limitless. Sad that you encounter men along the way that revert to discrimination that is so foreign to you that you are shocked that they would even suggest you are lesser than because you were born a female.  

Lord have mercy….my God ALWAYS supported women in the Bible….look it up!!!!   I think about the account in the Bible when daughters who had no brothers asked for their father’s inheritance and Moses sought God and got the approval from God to grant them their request.   Or Deborah the JUDGE who commanded the Israelites and orchestrated a great victory or the time when Jesus empowered women to lead churches and to be leaders…..I have three daughters.  I will have granddaughters who should have limitless lives achieving whatever is in their hearts despite ANYONES opinion of what they are capable of... SO…if anyone asks me if I'm a feminist….I will say Yes….I am an EVERYBODYist….We are ALL awesome in God’s eyes, for my God does NOT discriminate….

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