Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Wrapping up a year is a reflective time.  Time is a blur and I admit I have stared at my Christmas card collage a few times and was like, “We survived all this?”  It’s been quite an epic and busy year.  Not that any year in the life of the Wogs is calm or boring.  Wogs and calm are never said together!

Historically with all five kids, I have dreaded Christmas.  Not in a grinch kind of way but in a “We Broke!” kind of way.  When you are trying to be “Santa” and keep Christmas magical, it tends to get pricey.  It’s not that our kids ask for outrageous gifts. It’s just the amount of kids asking.  Once reality kicked in with the kids, we could have honest conversations like, “Are you out of your freakin’ mind?” when gift requests were ridiculous.  There is a wonderful relief when the Santa façade is over.  Although shopping for gifts at the Dollar Tree was fantastic!


Instead of lamenting how big the kids are and how sad it is that they are grown, I will celebrate the joys.  Before I had kids, a wise older mom of one of my youth group kids told me something I have never forgotten. I asked her if she was sad her daughter was now in youth group already and she said, “Absolutely not!  I made a decision to celebrate every stage of her life!”  I have tried to do the same each time that sadness starts to creep in my heart when my huge children are listening to questionable rap music and driving away into danger in the cars, we bought them.  


As the kids have aged, the time of present opening is later which I LOVE!!!  It’s a peaceful, sweet time of Dan and I listening to Christmas music and sometimes staring at a fire depending on the weather.  Dan and Annie LOVE Christmas music and may or may not listen year around. Dan asked Annie if she was worried that her college roommate wouldn’t like all the Christmas music and Annie may be most stressed about that possible situation.


I have never enjoyed cooking.  It’s an annoying ordeal.  I think maybe I could have if I had less mouths to feed.  It’s always been a stressor for me because they want to eat all the time.  Thankfully God is merciful, and kind and Maggie is a fantastic, wing it kind of cook.  She slaps together food in the spirit of my sister Sharri and my mom.  It seems effortless and I cheer her on for selfish reasons. Along with her cooking skills, Mags also made straight A’s this semester in college, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!  The kids got Dan a gas griddle and Dan said yesterday that it is his most favorite gift….mine too since I am regularly the recipient of the goodness from the griddle.

The biggest change for the Wogs this year was adding a family member! Bonnie and Billy met at 4 and married almost 20 years later!
  It was so perfect but 
way too long of an engagement but such a beautiful, perfect day! The craziest part of the year was Bonnie getting a puppy a month before the wedding. What? That cute little beagle looking, mini-KC looking puppy wreaked some havoc of exhaustion and stress as we wedding prepped. She is super cute but super hyper.  I love my grand pup Penny and try to walk her regularly!

Bonnie had all her siblings over for Festivus and played games for hours. We babysat the dog on the coldest night of the year which was super challenging. Penny didn't seem to notice though! I did buy her the cutest dog jacket ever! Overshadowed by the wedding was the fact that my firstborn graduated with honors with her masters! I am so proud of her and all she went through and how hard she worked! 

Eddie is thriving and seems to keep growing and growing!  He had a surprising, incredible season of football.  His team lost EVERY football game last year and ended up this year winning the WHOLE championship of 38 public charter school.  The saddest thing that happened was Eddie got the stomach flu for the championship, but his team rallied and won anyway!  The most touching moment was his team holding up the trophy screaming “FOR EDDIE!”  Eddie said he cried every time he watched the video…it meant so much to him!  He felt like he was letting down his team.

Dan turned the BIG 50 this December and I surprised him with an overnight stay in Fernandina.  It was so perfect, and the good news is we still love being together after almost 30 years.  I think that is a miracle in itself and a testament to God’s blessings. We have always but God first in our family, training our kids in the way they should go! The kids have had their ups and downs, but they know God is always there for them in times of need.


I love traditions but have learned that sometimes they become bondage and stressful. One such tradition is to get and decorate the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.  I never meant for it to be a tradition but for Bubba, it’s the law!  This year he stayed behind from the river trip to keep up the tradition.  He may or may not have ripped off the poor young kid at Ace.  The $60 dollar tree is huge, so I am a bit suspicious.  Bubba and Annie decorated the whole yard with lights why we were gone and said they couldn’t find the Christmas lights….I told them they were now in the yard apparently.  So, obviously we had to get new lights for the tree and now it seems to have morphed into a “Go Dawgs” tree.    Bubba started a YouTube show, College Football Cauldron and amazes with me with his football knowledge.  He also graduated from college and is ready to start his life most likely in a sports realm.  He has been dedicated to all things sports from the age of 4!  I know the greatest of days are ahead for him! 


Speaking of the Dawgs.  I am still processing Annie’s switch for college swimming to the University of Georgia.  It was always her dream to swim there but seemed out of reach.  Annie had a breakout backstroke swim last year so that changed the opportunities for her. Who knew what cutting ½ a second could do for you!  As stressful as the recruiting ordeal is, I can see God’s hand in the whole thing lining things up for our baby girl.  I don’t think it was an accident that UGA hired a Brazilians backstroke specialist right when Annie decides to take the rest of her recruiting visits. (Annie’s coach for the last seven years is Brazilian)  It’s just the right fit and luckily Bubba was prepared for this moment with all his vintage Dawg jerseys and shirts.  

I have always used my beautiful china for Christmas dinner but this year as I was getting ready to set the table. I heard a familiar sound.  I went in the dining room and the kids set up ping pong on my nice dining room table.  My first instinct was to tell them to stop so I could set the table and then I let it all go.  Nope.  Keep playing and have fun.  My china stayed in the cabinet, but the ping pong games went for hours.  Yes, I beat Dan in case you were wondering…. I think knowing when to let traditions go is an important part of life.  Be free and flexible!


I really needed a Christmas break for my brain.  It constantly runs. It takes discipline to stop it.  I love my job and the mission behind it, but the pressure is great.  I have never prayed more in my life, and I feel God’s good pleasure on the work we are doing at Cornerstone. Saving the country one prayer at a time.  We are not just shielding kids from the nonsense going on in world, but we are building true leaders….in the adults and students.  An army that will fight for freedom and truth.  I am most grateful that God wasn’t finished with me yet, that He had a surprise deployment for me.  I was born a fighter and a fighter needs a fight.  It’s a worthy one and I believe miracles are on the way because we serve a miracle working God who never sleeps nor slumbers.  He is always working on our behalf and wants to bless us.  I am resting and revving up for a new year of surprises and answered prayers.  Let’s go Spartans and Go Dawgs! 


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