Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gates, Doors and More

Our hound dog KC is a hoot.  Dan and I realized that KC is really our first dog too.  We both grew up with dogs at our parent’s houses but we never had one on our own.  She has been a trip and a constant lesson in patience.  We started with gates to keep her downstairs since she LOVES to hunt the kid’s stuffed animals and will pulverize them!  I have become a hot glue gun expert from repairing them and I am considering starting a repair business!

I’ll never forget the first time I was sitting in my bed drinking coffee and she came running into my room for the first time....oh my!  That was the end of the gates.  We decided to hang little double doors that lead upstairs.  I do let her upstairs but she must have supervision because besides the stuffed animals she LOVES tearing Eddie’s used diapers….nastiness to the max!  You haven’t lived as a parent until you try to clean up that inside silica type stuff inside.  It’s pretty impossible. The doors sort of helped.  At first she could crawl under them, then she broke the latch, and then she jumped on them until the hinges came out of the wall.  I came downstairs and they were dangling on a barely hooked in the wall hinge.  We have replaced the latch multiple times moving it up and down around the holes that she leaves.  Now, she just pokes her head under the door and looks for us! The point is that dog doesn’t like being away from us!  It shows great dedication but geez.  I am hoping one day she will stop hunting Pooh Bear, the Miami Ibis (the kid’s favorites) and diapers and can just hang out upstairs and not do anything naughty! #icandream


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