Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Morning.... :/

Thanks to my hound dog KC, I will have stories galore for you.....well, let me back up, WAY up.....
When I was a little girl, I would get in bed with my mom in the mornings.  As I have stated before, I have never been short on words and much to my mom's dismay I wanted to chat her up in the morning.  My whole life, my Dad would quietly slip coffee to my mom and she would sit in a stupor, with her eyes closed and I swear she would at least pretend to be asleep hoping I wouldn't talk!  The rules were, NO talking and NO wiggling or I would get booted out of her bed.  Well, as fate would have it, I had five chatty, wiggly children for paybacks!  My sweet husband has carried on the coffee/stupor tradition (so much so that on Father's Day I had to asked him to make my coffee the night before because I make terrible, nasty coffee)  We managed to train the 5 children to give mom a few minutes of peace and tranquility where I would plan my day, pray (Lord knows if anyone needs prayer, it's ME!)  and read my devotionals and sometimes, fake sleep too.

So....back to the point!  Now as if the 5 kids made it difficult enough to have a quiet time, KC waits by the door downstairs and bolts upstairs at the first opportunity! Here I am, ear plugs jammed into my brain to shut out the kid noise and in a nice dreamy sleep and BAMMM, 60 pound pummel out of freakin' nowhere :/ Besides the possible injury, the way it jolts my heart to race at an insane speed, has to be unhealthy and dangerous. AND as if that is not a enough, she has to root around under my pillow to find my hidden face (you know I have to hide under the pillow to shield myself from any possible light) Today, she acted like she wanted me the heck out of HER bed, so I sit on my little couch in my room while my dog has taken over my bed, sigh...

1 comment:

  1. haha. I needed a laugh. You need to wrote a flippin book. So could relate to the bad coffee. Dan passed his act to my husband who has been bringing me coffee in bed since day 1 of marriage. I think it is the ONE thing that he heard loud and clear on that second date when all you did was talk about revival and I sat there saying hey I am here remember.
