Saturday, April 6, 2013

I Love My Church

Easter Miracle
Last night at YouthQuake Live, the theme was “I Love My Church” Bonnie was in the opening skit and did a great job.  Dan and I are amazed that at 14 years old she can stand up in front of thousands of people and perform!  Blake Bennet shared on the importance of faithfully attending church and what a difference it will make in your families life.  He shared about a time when he had been very hurt by church members and how he had to choose at 15 to not be bitter and to still follow God's call on his life. My kids are still young and I have many years left of parenting but my prayer is that all my kids will serve God! My brother and sister’s have raised outstanding Christian examples and leaders and I know it’s because of the favor of the Lord upon them from being raised to honor the Lord and to serve Him. My parents took us to church every week when I was growing up.  They began attending Beaches Chapel Church when it began in the 70’s. There have been ups and downs as a church but my parents kept us there through the good and the bad times and it kept us rooted in our Christian faith as a family. I truly believe that is the difference maker in our family. It gave my brother, sisters and I a firm foundation which helped us make good Godly choices and we have all kept that tradition of church attendance going. My parents have 15 grandchildren (19 with spouses and great grands!) who faithfully attend church and are all Christian leaders.  That is nothing short of a miracle!
Childish Church Skit at YQL
When I was a Youth Pastor, I used to get so frustrated with parents who never had their kid in church and then suddenly they seem surprised when they rebel and start getting into trouble.  God is merciful and I watched Him redeem and save whole families and do miracles!  What I would say to parents from a youth pastor perspective and from a church-attending parent perspective is, you get out, what you put in!  When you have a family, it’s not about you anymore. You need to set the example for your family and put God first.  It’s not about having a day off, or relaxing.  It’s about giving your children a firm foundation in God.  It’s about teaching them to serve and to trust God to help them in life.  You won’t always be with your child but God will!  When trouble comes, they won’t have to turn to drugs and alcohol for relief.  They will fall on their knees and cry out to God for help.  So my advice is to get up, get dressed and get your kids to church!   Whether you always like the worship songs, or the sermon, who cares?  Creating a habit for your chlld of going to church will seriously save their life and make them a stable adult.  It surrounds them with other Christian kids who will help keep them on track and out of trouble.  The world is set on destroying your child and it’s up to you to balance the world’s pull at them with spiritual input.  Going to church doesn’t necessarily stop kid’s from making mistakes but it does put the word deep inside them to draw from in times of trouble  Send them to Sunday School, Kid’s Church, Youth group, Young Life, YouthQuake Live, Youth camps, VBS….everything you can possibly do and do it quick.  Life is short and your kid’s will be grown tomorrow.

Bonnie's BFF since K5 both serving God in YQL!
God’s word tells us to be fruitful!  The way that happens, is to stay planted and allow your child to grow roots so that they can bear some spiritual fruit in their life.  Let your child build relationships and learn the word and don’t yank their spiritual roots out from under them because you get mad or offended.  Stay faithful and you will be blessed.  I have met many people who think church is a waste of time. Are their hypocrites and fakes at church, YES but that is because we are all sinful.  

It’s hard for me not to seriously “laugh out loud” when people tell me their excuses for not coming to church.  Is it convenient to faithfully to attend church? HECK NO! Come to my house on a Sunday morning and witness the chaos for yourself.  The enemy is very smart.  He makes it as difficult and stress-filled as possible.  All your kids will sleep in, they will loose their church shoes, they will fall down and get hurt, they will fight and bicker with each other.  Your hair dryer won’t work, you will spill coffee on your shirt, your dog will run away and you won’t be able to find your blasted keys……Yes this is my life on a Sunday! 

If I had one piece of parenting advice from what I observed, it would be to do everything in your power to be at church EVERY week.  That is how you and your children will grow spiritually and become blessed and prosperous. Our rule is we miss church only if we are sick or out of town.  It’s hard but we do it. Resist the enemy and push through and just come to church with mismatched shoes if necessary and ride your bike if you can’t find your keys.  Wouldn’t you like your children to avoid being hurt, making bad choices and having to spend years recovering?? Think about it, and make a fresh commitment to do what is right for your kids! I have seen the results in my own friends and family and it has worked!  I want to thank Blake, who spoke at YQL last night, for reminding all of us how important it is to love your church and to faithfully attend! 
 "And let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25

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