Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Down By the Creek Bank 2013

I am completely overwhelmed, amazed and in awe of what God has done for me.  I have lived a life of always getting in over my head.  If God doesn’t show up and bail me out, I would be sunk.  He has showed up in miraculous ways over and over again through the years. I am not sure how people that don’t have a real personal relationship with God survive this life.  People ask me how I am able to manage my family and all the other stuff I get myself into and the answer is GOD!  He answers my prayers and does above and beyond what I could ever think or ask.

This year, I have seen God bring together an incredible team of teachers for the program that I run at school.  It has been a year of my dreams coming true! We put on an end of the year program showcasing all our students!  This team collaborated and worked together seamlessly with no friction or problems.  It was a beautiful thing to behold.  They planned a show where our choir would sing while the dancers dance and weaved the storyline in with our drama team and it was awesome!

Things were going so smoothly that I was in a constant state of shock.  The only little hiccup that we were experiencing is our soundtrack didn’t come in before our first rehearsal, which didn’t bother me because we had several days until the show. We paid extra for express delivery and I had complete faith and peace that we would have the music.  My dance teacher and I both prayed and asked God to bring it to us on angels wings!  I asked many people to be in agreement with us and to be praying.

The day of the show our music did not come in the mail.  We all went into to overdrive calling manufactures, distributors, postal workers, thinking of any possible way we could get the music.  We wanted our soloist to shine on their own, without the voices on the CD.  I ran into Teresa Rogers, a school teacher at BCS and she casually mentioned that her son had been in this same play 20 years ago at Neptune Baptist Church.  I thought that was cool but didn’t think much else about it.  My sister in law, as usual, swooped in and was racking her brain for a solution, working for hours trying to solve this problem.  

She asked me if there was any way possible that a local church had the music…..ding, ding, ding and I remembered Neptune Baptist!!!  I called my dear friend Nels Gyland, who works at Neptune Baptist, and he happily put me in touch with an “angel” named Lucy who went across the street, searched their library and found a cassette tape of the accompaniment music that we so desperately needed.  I was so very blessed that she helped us!  I rushed and got the tape and another “angel” Pastor Luis, spent 2 hours after work getting the music transferred on a CD and separated all the tracks for us! 

In the meantime, ANOTHER “angel” Mrs. Abraham at the Downtown post office found our lost package!  We talked Dan into driving to the post office meeting this sweet lady in the parking lot and rushing the music back to the church in case the one Luis was working on didn’t actually work. 

The music off the cassette was a little different but our Choir/Drama teacher jumped right in with the kids and helped them make the changes.  James McDonald calmly managed our sound even though we had never practiced with the music!  It was kind of a set up for a disaster on stage but it put us in a place of faith, trusting that God didn’t want these precious children embarrassed and that He truly wanted them all to shine!  The show started and except for a minor breakdown of one of our little singers, which actually added a little extra “drama”, the show was flawless!  It was a true miracle before our eyes.  Would it have been nice to have had the music ahead of time, been completely confident in our preparation, of course!  That would have been a show that we produced in our own strength. What we experienced is God showing up and showing off that He answered our prayers and truly delivered our music on several “angels” wings!!

I am moved to tears when I think about the efforts of so many people that sweetly, sacrificially worked tirelessly to help make our show so wonderful for our families!!  I want to personally thank Tiffany Hartman, Tiffani Casey, Lisa McLatchey, Jill Stanton, Jason Trent, James McDonald, Cara Bernreuter (who did the awesome program!), Luis Montiel, Carrie Wyatt, Lisa Burdette, BC Staff and the complete strangers that out of the goodness of their hearts, helped us make it a special, miraculous night for all!!!  The scripture in Psalms 133:1 that says, “how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” has become real to me in a whole new way and I will never forget this experience!

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