Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alexandra = Bigness

I marvel at my niece Alexandra Smith for so many things.  One of the things that I can’t believe and at times causes me a bit of concern is the size of her BIG high heels.  I think she may need an intervention about this issue.  I am not sure that she can even walk flat-footed anymore. I think it’s a severe hazard for her and could possibly lead to a broken ankle. I feel like someone who loves her needs to speak out and I think that is me! :)

I honestly think that it all started when she was born.  I think she was seriously traumatized by the size of the bows her mother would put in her hair.  I think she may have long-term neck issues as a result.  She moved on from big hair bows to big hair. I have never seen such curly big hair in my life.  The feats that her mother would go through to slick her mane up in a hair bun were frightening and possibly life threatening.  Now the poor girl has moved on to the highest heels they make.  I even heard rumors that she is having some custom shoes made to win the Guinness World record of high heels!

She is big in other ways too even though she is just a tiny little size 2 thing.  She has big faith and perseveres even when she is terribly disappointed.  She is big in talent. She can dance and choreograph dances that bring people to tears. She has always operated with God’s favor and is happy to give Him the glory.  She has always had big dreams and visions.  She never settles for less than the best. She gives all she has and sacrifices herself for others.  She is big in self-confidence and will fight for what she believes.  She isn’t a people-pleaser and will speak the truth with love even when it isn’t popular to do.  She is big in her desire for excellence and is progressive and cutting edge always figuring out new things and new technology.  She doesn’t worry and isn’t controlled and hindered by fear.  She launches out, takes chances and goes for it when others sit back and say it can’t be done.  She will work all night to make something happen and she is big on power naps anytime, anywhere with anyone!  She is a person that I have BIG love for and admire so much for being so brave and such a pioneer in so many things at such a young age.  She has taught me so very much and is so patient with me. I can't wait to see what BIG things are ahead for this little power house girl!  I love it that my girls have her to follow after and to emulate.  My final word for her is "To keep going after the BIG things in your life my dear one, never stop dreaming BIG dreams and please watch your step with those BIG high heels!" xoxo
She said these are acceptable LOL!

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