Monday, August 29, 2011

Following Your Passion

I so appreciate Quarterbacks like Colt McCoy, Tim Tebow and Sam Bradford.  They are such awesome role models for my boys, young men who followed their passion and worked hard to achieve their dreams. I sat up last night, by myself and watched the finale of The Elite Eleven, the show that takes the best quarterbacks in the nation and picks the top 11.  It was so intense and yes, I even shed a few tears for the boys who didn’t get picked.

I read Tebow’s new book and loved it and now I just finished Growing Up Colt.  What an incredible young man.  Bubba is reading it and I told him that he should use that book as a guidebook for his life. Colt went to bed early his whole career, making sure he was rested.  He never drank or partied and took a vow to stay abstinent until marriage. He attended church every week through college. I so admire Colt’s parents and their dedication to their sons.  They were tough and required their kids to keep their commitments and to work hard.  They even got criticized for it. It’s so easy as a parent, to let our kids off the hook.  It’s definitely harder to enforce rules than letting them slide.  I feel so certain that God has called Dan and I to raise these kids to serve God, to be leaders and to work hard.  Basically, to counter the world that thinks kids should do whatever they want.  I want my kids to identify and to follow hard after their passions.  I never really knew what mine was and stumbled upon it when I got involved in Young Life. When my pastor told me I had a call on my life, it was like a light when on.  When you have a passion for something, it drives you, it brings you pleasure and it’s the only thing you want to spend your life doing.  It's something you would do for free and if you can make a living out of doing it, that's a blessing!  Right now, Bubs passion is sports and I know he is smart enough to be a doctor or something that requires a high education but he picked out his degree already at the U.  He said he wants a Masters in Sports Administration.  I am happy that he wants to spend his life following his dream in the sports world (after his stint in the NFL, of course!)  The girls are still changing their minds from teacher, to pop star, to Olympic swimmer so when they set their sights on something, I will work hard to help them follow their dreams too!

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