Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy Meal Toys

I will really be happy/sad when Smurfs are out of the McDonald’s Happy meals.  I don’t even think my kids really dig the Smurfs even though I am desperately trying to indoctrinate them by buying them Happy Meals compulsively!  I am REALLY trying hard not to obsess about the ones I don’t have and trying not to freak out and throw a repeat Smurf back through the drive-in window!  I LOVED the Smurfs when I was young and secretly wanted to be Smurfette.  I thought I would pass out when I saw Smurfs On Demand!  I gathered my children around and told them of my great love for the Smurfs!  They kind of tolerated it and were somewhat disturbed by Gargamel and his murderous thoughts and plots to kill all things Smurf!  I really love that I have a couple Smurfs currently in my purse.

I really went nuts with the Star Wars toys when Bubs was little.  OMG doesn’t even begin to describe how somewhat psychotic I went.  It didn’t help that Bubba was as bad and obsessed as I was.  With your first toy, it showed you the pictures of all the Star Wars characters to come.  We ate more fast food then any human should ingest in a lifetime.  We would drive to multiple restaurants hunting and negotiating with the drive through worker.  I am pretty darn persuasive and I used that talent to work over many young teenage cashiers. They couldn’t resist the pressure I was putting on them to switch out my toy or to dig around and look for General Grievous. I knew the restaurants phone numbers by heart, possibly having them in speed dial and would ask if they got their new toys in. If they did I hauled all the kids out for MORE kid’s meals.  Poor Dan would have to drive through the in town restaurants and ask if they had gotten the Clone in yet.  I enlisted family and friends too.  I would randomly get Star Wars toys brought to my house and even to church (sorry Lord!)  
The freakiest thing by far was the Trading Night Bubba and I went to.  We dressed up in our Star Wars T-shirts and took the doubles we had and all the other nuts came with their extra and you traded.  It was a glorious night for us and we got Princess Leia and Chewy too!  As if you didn’t think I had a problem by what you have read before, just wait for it….I ultimately bought the toys off of EBay that we couldn’t find to complete Bubba’s collection.  It was a great sense of accomplishment.

Now the problem with the Smurfs is the kid’s are just mildly interested so I really have to control my inward Smurf stalking and just accept whatever comes in the meals…Pray for me!  #smurfintervention

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