Friday, July 13, 2012

Bubba on Sports Radio

Wow what a day!  Bubba was so blessed to go to 1010XL 92.5 Sports Radio Station and be on the air with his favorite host, Mike Dempsey who has a football program!  This all started on Sunday morning when Dan and I were getting dressed for church and we heard Bubba talking really loud in his room about Tennis. We both looked at each other and went in his room and he gave us a thumbs up and mouthed that he was on the air.  Dan was like, “Dude, you don’t know anything about Tennis.”  When Bubba got off the phone, Bubba told us he knows everything about tennis.  We were like, “What???”  The next day, I saw my friend Jill and told her about Bubba calling into the station.  Jill has a connection at the studio and worked it out for Bubba to get a tour the station.

Bubba was so excited and could hardly stand it!  He got dressed in his Pop Warner Jag jersey and topped it off with a Miami hat of course!!  My friend Jill hooked him up and off we went! We walked in the station and they had Bubba’s name on the board like he was a really special guest!  It was so cute. The staff could not have been any sweeter and attentive to him.  Terry at the front desk welcomed Bubba with a gift bag with a hat, shirt and mini football.  Bubba was pumped because he loves any kind of sports paraphernalia!  They truly treated him like he was a celebrity!!   I guess he was for a day!  

They took him into the producer’s area and he learned all about what she did.  Her name was Donna and she is pregnant with a son!  She talked to Bubba and was so nice to him.  Finally it was time to join Mike on the air!  We went in and met Mike Dempsey and he told Bubba how things worked!  Jill and I also got to sit in and were very impressed with the operation.  Donna and Mike work really good together and Bubba said if he ever has a show, he hopes Donna will be his producer!  LOL!  Mike prerecorded a couple segments, which was really nice because it gave Bubba a lot of time to talk to him about sports. They talked about the Jags, the Red Sox and Yankees and of course the Hurricanes!!  Bubba told Mike the sports he played and that he makes straight A’s.  Mike treated Bubba like a peer and couldn’t have been more welcoming and kind to him!  The big moment came and Mike introduced Bubba and they talked on the air.  

Unfortunately Bubba had to fit in a Tebow dig, which I talked to him about on the way there.  I reminded him that we live in Tebow town and to go easy on his Gator Hating but he apparently disregarded my advice.  I guess it didn’t help that Mike is a Seminole so they obviously had a connection!!  Bubba did great and thoroughly enjoyed this experience and keeps asking me when he can go back.  I think he would like me to drop him off there everyday!!  
Later in the night, my friend Jill texted me that they may even start a Kid’s Sports show now because Bubba did so well!!  Who knows what the future holds for Bubba but after this experience he may go into sports casting.  Good Lord knows he has put the time in to educating himself in all things sports!  I have always marveled at Bubba and how he has never deviated from his sports passion and obsession since he started following the Miami Hurricanes when he was 4.  Jill knows this first hand because she has been Bubba’s art teacher for years.  She has been so thoughtful to me and has texted me pictures of Bubba’s projects.  Jill said that he always negotiates with her to work in orange and green or the U into whatever project they are doing.  She said she usually lets him do it even when she really shouldn’t! :)  He is a persistent little sucker!  I think after this experience she has sealed her status as Bubba’s “ favorite teacher of all time”!!   I think he is the most dedicated little fan I have ever met and I pray that God uses him to do great things in the sports world!!

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