Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day to Dan 2012

We started getting ready for Father’s Day with the kids making special cards and writing notes to their Dad.  I love it when they are thoughtful without me suggesting it! They all worked very hard and I was very impressed!  We cleaned the house and were ready to celebrate with Dan!  He wanted Burrito Gallery take-out and he picked out a man movie to watch.  Dan was tucking the little kids into bed and I promptly fell asleep FOR TWO HOURS!  I jolted awake at 9 and stumbled downstairs and our take-out was still on the counter :(  I felt so bad!  He had the backyard tiki torches on and everything!  We ate and I apologized profusely!  We started the movie and it was HORRIBLE.  It was about a bunch of guys who survive a plane crash to be picked off and killed by wild wolves in the arctic.  I lasted about 45 minutes and then had to leave!  This was not the way I wanted his weekend to kick off!  I called my mom and told her how I had fallen asleep like I was in a coma and she said she did too and we decided it was probably from the chocolate cheesecake we had for lunch LOL!

Saturday, we made Dan French toast for breakfast and opened gifts! We worked hard all day in the yard.  We realized it’s been months since we have been home on a Saturday!  I was so very impressed with the kids.  They worked their tails off.  Annie was incredible.  She loppered branches off that I couldn’t have done!  Bonnie weeded beds, Bubba hauled branches to the trash, Maggie helped her Dad clean out a bed and Eddie racked leaves INTO the grass! :)  Our poor yard has been very neglected but is looking much better after some TLC!  We ended the day with Dan’s favorite dinner, Chick-fil-A and swimming in the backyard!  We may or may not have had a family dance party too!

The best part of the weekend is the kids taking turns telling Dan all the things they appreciate about him.  They were so sweet, insightful and true!  They said he is a hard worker, funny, buff, a great cook, loving, fixes everything, supportive, and best of all from Maggie was that he still has his hair!  LOL!  Eddie kept saying that Dan is the best Daddy in the world and I agree!  He has sacrificed pretty much everything he loves for his kids.  Golf was his passion and the poor guy may play once a year.  I don’t know of many men that could handle the pressure and stress of raising all these kids and keeping up with all their activities!  I am so grateful that God put us together.  We have a very happy life together and I wish Dan a very Happy Father’s Day!  No one deserves it as much has him!!

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