Thursday, June 21, 2012

More Swimming Fun 2012

This whole swimming experience has been so much fun!  For a person who hates the sun and avoids it, I have loved being at the pool, watching my Annie swim.  Last week at her swim meet, she blew our minds.  We got there and she was signed up for the 50-yard freestyle and the breaststroke, which she has never done.  They didn’t have her swimming the backstroke, which is her best stroke.  We were kind of freaked out because her regular coaches weren’t there and we were kind of on our own.  

We found the advanced Coach and told him that she really doesn’t know the breaststroke very well and he was like, oh well, she needs a time and it doesn’t matter how she does.  I felt so sorry for Annie because her eyes filled up with tears in fear of swimming a stroke she has no confidence in.  She is really strong but was so nervous about swimming 50 yards, which she had never done either.  I felt a little nauseated when she got up on the block. That’s another thing.  She had never had to start a race diving off the block either.  I was a stress bomb.  Dan was so sweet and encouraging to her and held her hand and prayed for her!  She dove off the block like a real pro and was leading most of the way. She has never taken a turn for a race and lost a little ground because she stopped instead of pushing right off. She finished strong but came out of the water sobbing because she didn’t win.  We were so amazed at how well she did and were ecstatic!   And I thought Bubba was the competitive one in the family! :)  

Relay Race Results
Next was the breaststroke and Dan was cringing for Annie hoping she didn’t look too awkward.   We couldn’t believe it. The child led the whole way and won the darn race!  We were hugging her and I told her I couldn’t believe how well she did and she calmly said, “I guess when I’m nervous, I just do it!”  I love that girl!  We were so thankful that our neighbor Cameron, who is a college swimmer, had taken the time to work with her and teach her the basics!  She learned at her regular lesson but needed some one on one for sure!  Thank God they put her on the A Team for the Relay for the backstroke and she got to start the race doing her best stroke!  It was so awesome having all these strangers from BAC cheering for my baby!  She was amazing and won with ease!  Her relay team took first place and beat all the other teams by 4 seconds, which apparently is a ton in swimming!  I was so proud of her!
Swim Buddies

Dan and I talked about it later in the week and even though we were really proud of her, we didn’t like her being so scared and nervous swimming strokes she wasn’t confident in.  I was telling my friend about it and she said her son, who is a great competitive swimmer, would come work with Annie and help her get the breaststroke down!  Clay was so cute with Annie!  He helped her and tweaked a few things and she looked great! I sent Dan a video and he was amazed what a difference 10 minutes of a lesson could make! Clay also helped her become smoother with her side breathing.  

Annie really listens good and applied everything he told her!  I think if she has to swim the breaststroke again she will do it perfectly now!!!  Clay walked out to his car and Ed got a look at his “super fast race car!”  Clay has a refurbished classic Camaro and Ed was very impressed.  Clay took Bubba and Ed for a ride and I am pretty sure it was a highlight of Eddie’s life!!! When Clay left, Ed said when he gets big he is going to drive that car!  I have no doubt about that!   I was very blessed that a high school student would take time to help a 7 year old and also give a couple young boys a ride in such a cool car!  He chatted with Bubba about moving up to youth group.  I don’t think young men like Cameron and Clay have any idea what an impact they have on younger kids!!  I think the day was a great success and I hope the results show up this Saturday at Annie’s Swim Meet!  Annie just asked me, “When can Clay come over again!” :)
Eddie and Bubba taking a ride

1 comment:

  1. Atta Girl, Annie!!

    Tell Abby Davey Mrs. Tamburrino said, "If she can swim as well as she sings and acts, it's gonna be a great summer at the pool!!"

    I'm so bummed that I will be in Texas when the Wahoos host BAC at UNF. Zac is a former BAC swimmer turned Wahoo. It would have been like a family reunion :(
