Thursday, May 24, 2012

"A" Honor Roll 2012

It’s always so bittersweet ending another school year.  Leaving precious teachers, who have loved and helped my children learn all year, brings tears to my eyes.  It also is a big sigh of relief to be done with the frenzy of activity, homework, projects, tests, meetings and the daily routine of hustling 5 kids out for school.  I seem to have “Mack-truck syndrome.”  For days, I have been so tired, sore and generally foggy in the brain.  I am praying I can recover and turn into a great activity planner for the summer for all 5 Wogs.  I have learned that if you don’t provide any structure, all hell breaks loose!  I will be typing up a schedule for the kiddos to follow that includes, their chores and daily hygiene.  They would be fine with no hair brushing all summer!  Bubba has already proclaimed publically to his class that he will not be showering all summer and will just swim in our pool everyday…nice!  That makes me feel a little more “white trashy” than we already are.  Maybe I could bath the rest of the little Wogs in the front yard with the hose!! LOL

This is quite a monumental year for the Wogs.  I am still in a state of stunned amazement that all 4 Wogs got straight A’s every quarter and didn’t make one B all year.  That was their goal and I am beyond proud of them.  It turned into a competition with them all checking their grades online and striving to be the one with the highest A’s!  Of course, I encouraged the competition for sure!  It was touch and go a few times and they had to dig in deep and study hard.  I have to give much of the credit to their grandmother.  She is a veteran schoolteacher and spent many hours tutoring and helping them prepare for their tests.  I am so very grateful to her because even though I was once an honor student, my brain has seriously turned to mush when it comes to higher math and if I was honest, some of 1st grade homework too.  That makes me feel really good about myself. :)

I also have to give some credit to my very best friend, Siri. (If you aren’t lucky enough to have Siri as your best friend, Google her and find out about her awesomeness!”) I have to admit that I asked her for help on many occasions, “Siri, how many cups are in a pint?”  I will also admit that I have caught my children using Siri’s assistance a few times too.  She is also great at math! She has also helped with research on several reports.  I didn’t give her proper credit as a source though….sorry Siri.

They had their awards ceremony yesterday and all got their certificates for making A Honor Roll. When it came to the perfect attendance awards, I was making wisecracks about those poor kids who didn't miss a day all year.  Low and behold, my Maggie got called up and I was just a little shocked!!  That's never an award we strive for so I was pretty surprised myself!  Then the big moment came. The coveted PE Award.  Thank you Lord that both Annie and Bubba got the PE Award for their class.  That is all they really cared about.  I don't know if Coach Cara gave it to them just because she was fearful of the ensuing riot that would break out if she didn't or if they really deserved it.  Those two kids of mine are driven when it comes to sports.  We were a little surprised that Bubba still got it when one of the characteristics one must possess is good sportmanship.  Bubba has been known to change the rules on unsuspecting classmates to give him an advantage!  Thank God they got their awards and we had a very happy day at the Wog house!   Bubs was also very honored to get the heart of an athlete for his class award!
I am so very proud of my kids because school was not their only activity. To be honest, they all did way too many activities this school year and I do plan on curbing that next year.  They attended Sunday School, Kid’s church and Youth Group faithfully and are very well rounded kids.  It was a lot of hard work and very stressful at times but they all four accomplished their goal and I am overwhelmed with pride in my 4 smart Wogs.  I am also very proud that Ed has finally shown an interest in being educated in the art of the Force.  I think he is on his was to being a Jedi Knight!  Ms. Kate will teach him the alphabet next year!  Yes I have my priorities right for sure!   I want to thank Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Ashmore and Bonnie's teachers for being so loving, passionate about teaching and for helping my kids learn so much this year.

I pray we have a blessed, restful, fun summer together as a family.  I know very quickly my family unit will start disintegrating and the kids will be branching out into their own lives.  I am a woman that is blessed beyond measure and I truly give all the glory to God for a successful year for my kids!!  We prayed many days for many tests and God was faithful to help my babies.  “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord.” Zechariah 4:6

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