Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I am sitting here in my room alone thinking about how blessed beyond measure I am!  We celebrated Mother’s Day today honestly because of our crazy, packed, full weekend.  Annie couldn’t resist yesterday giving me my present.  It was a beautiful ribbon bracelet that she made for me at school and a very lifelike portrait of me! LOL!!  Dan said based on my portrait, he will be giving me the gift of braces!!!   I really like my hair though!  I reminds me of my hairspray, eighties look I used to rock!  I am still a rocker in my heart and based on Annie's picture, she picked up on that!

Today, my day started with a quiet cup of coffee delivered by Dan in my favorite Zebra mug.  Then he returned with a Chipotle Omelet.  He didn’t let the kids come up yet because they always eat my food!  Then Ed came in with this big package he made at school.  He opened it and gave me each gift, one by one.  The funniest thing of all was when he was asked what my favorite thing to do was, he answered, “She likes to go upstairs to her room!”  He is one perceptive little boy!  That is my favorite thing to do at home.  My room is a peaceful haven for my hectic life!  Ed also did a spectacular portrait of me!  He said he forgot to do my hair but I think hair is overrated anyway!!!
Finally all the little babies came up and gave me an iPad.  I am beyond excited.  I have been desperate for another device.  I spend a great deal of time trying to free up space on my computer and phone.  They are full constantly and it upsets me to no end.  I am praying I will have better space management on my iPad.  Mags made me a beautiful card with a rose on the front!  I was impressed!

I have also been thinking about my mom and how blessed our family is because of her.  She has followed hard after God all the days of her life and I truly believe her whole family loves and serves the Lord because of her passion and example.  When our church would go through hard times, her and my Dad were like strong trees with deep roots and never allowed the enemy to derail our family and make us retreat from our faith.  I know we are all stable and strong because of them.

I was thinking today about how she responded when my Dad died suddenly.  I think that is the time I respected her the most.  Her strength and perseverance came forth like never before.  We were insane and shocked with grief.  She wouldn’t allow any of us to stay with her the first night and she sat up all night in her bed and pondered her future without Dad. The next day we met to plan Dad’s memorial service and she instructed all four of her kids that we would be speaking at Dad’s funeral and for us to not cry and carry on but to honor our father.  So that is what we all did.  She never allowed herself or us to wallow in self-pity at the loss of Dad.  She was a stellar example of how to behave in a crisis.  She would not be the victim or let her family fall apart.  She stiffened her backbone, took over my Dad’s business and responsibilities and was successful in everything she did.

I am full in my heart today.  Full with gratitude, full with love and full of hope for the future.  I am blessed to have my mom, I am blessed to be a mom of five beautiful, healthy, fun children.  Happy Mother’s Day to me and to all the Mom’s I love!!

1 comment:

  1. I am blessed to have known you since grade school. I'll never forget thè wonderful times we shared together you, Laura and me and your dad driving ûs ever were hand pampering us. What fond memories I hold and treasure. happy mothers day with much love God bless you and your family always and I will always keep our childhood friendship close to my heart and treasure it. Love to you Edi, Bets
