Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

I have been so freakishly busy lately I don’t feel like I have sat down all week.  Yesterday, all four Wogs came home with Straight A’s on their report card and I suddenly remembered why I work so hard helping them do their schoolwork.  I am super proud.  I got up today with renewed energy in my efforts and called out 3 spelling test, 3 memory verses and vocabulary all before 8 AM!  I felt a sense of relief when they all left for school that my schoolwork was done for the week!  I turned on Mickey Mouse for Ed, grabbed a cup of coffee and got back in my bed.  I did my devotionals, answered some email and thought it may be a good time, while Ed was occupied with Mickey to see what all this Kony business was about.  I have been hearing and seeing it on Facebook but hadn’t taken the time to learn what it was about.

The video was 30 minutes long and I was thinking that was really long but I would give it a shot.  I turned it on and was totally blown away.  The topic was shocking and tragic but the documentary was so very well done and moved me to serious tears and heartache.  The whole thing is about this demented man named Joseph Kony who has been traumatizing small children for over 25 years by abducting them from their homes and forcing them in his child army.  He prostitutes the little girls and makes the little boys into ruthless warriors who disfigure faces and murder parents.

The narrator is a young man named Jason who is quite the storyteller and communicator.  It’s been his life mission for the last 10 years to bring awareness about this particular atrocity in Uganda.  I was so very impressed with how organized and effective his cause has become. I had to take Bubba to the doctor today and as we were there for TWO HOURS, I showed him the video.  He acted somewhat annoyed at the beginning but was enthralled and visibly moved by the information he was absorbing.  It's a sad topic for a protected, loved and cherished child to come face to face with but oh the importance of allowing our kids to feel compassion.  

I have been linked with Sean Yost for almost 20 years who has pounded into my soul that young people can truly change the world.  This video reminded me of the message we have been faithful to present for all these 17 years through YouthQuake Live!  A young person, moved with compassion, has truly changed the world for so many people in Africa!  I pray to the Lord that he will reveal where Joseph Kony is hiding and that he will be brought to swift justice for the sins he has committed against these voiceless, invisible children!  

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