Monday, February 27, 2012

Firstborn Randi

Not very often do I get to spend time with Randi who I love so much.  I met Randi when I was pregnant with Bonnie, 13 years ago.  She was an intern from Teen Mania and Sean Yost casually introduced me at YouthQuake Live practice and said, “This is Randi. She worked with Teen Mania, goes to UNF and she is going to help you.”  I thought, “Oh great He is pawning off someone he doesn’t want to deal with!"  LOL!   I had been burned by quite a few people that were sent to “help” me. People love to say they are going to help but most people flake out over time especially if they are volunteers.  It’s very hard to hold volunteers accountable for what they commit to because you aren’t paying them.  It’s a rare and wonderful thing to find a dedicated volunteer who is actually a blessing and not a curse. 

I met with Randi, somewhat irritated but was impressed when she whipped out a pad of paper, and a pen and was poised and ready to take down every word of wisdom I was getting ready to speak forth!  We have laughed about it for years but the first thing I asked her is if she was a firstborn!  I had recently started my ongoing obsession with Birth Order (currently reading a book right now, LOL) I had vowed to never have an assistant again who wasn’t a firstborn.  Thankfully she said yes so I was a little reassured that this wouldn’t be as bad as I first anticipated.  I gave her a list of stuff to work on and BAMMM, she was done before I could even believe.  I started getting excited.  I thought wow, she might be a keeper for sure!    As time went on and as I popped out a new baby every two years, Randi took over my position in YouthQuake and blew it out of the park.  I helped set up the organizational systems in the very beginning of YQL and Randi tweaked, improved and created new ways to make it run like a well-oiled machine.  The first Cast Placement I went to that Randi totally ran, amazed me and brought such joy and thankfulness in my heart.  Instead of old school sign in sheets, she had a line of people with laptops signing the kids in so there would be no nightmare, after the fact, data entry that I used to do every year and hated.  She is brilliant and a phenomenal manager.  YQL is a large organization with over 150 cast members, thousands of attendees with many different arms of ministry including, interns, missions, youth pastor outreach and more.  People are stunned and amazed that it’s run by one full-time person and that person is Randi. Sean Yost has never been paid.  We have added a couple part timers over the years. Randi graduated top of her class in college and has her masters and could be banking it in the corporate world but she sold out to Jesus and fervently works to impact the world.  She spends every summer abroad ministering to the poor and lost and lives a simple life and is always focused on helping others. 
I admire her so much and we have great visits together.  Today, she came in the rain and mentioned that this was the first visit without a Wog kid at home.  To fill in for the lack of demanding Wog kids, KC howled, bugged and demanded a walk.  I put her off as long as I could since it was raining but finally Randi and I took her for a walk.  We reminisced about standing on the corner of Florida Boulevard on Election Day campaigning and with my George Bush stand up!!  KC wasn’t as bad as I was prepared for. She only ran after about 3 or 4 squirrels dragging me through neighbor’s yards.  I made the mistake of telling Randi that one time she protested when we got close to home and refused to walk.  It’s like KC heard me and put on the skids.  Randi was pretty tough on her and got her moving.  I am actually thinking about letting Randi have KC for a few weeks to train her!  I might just drop KC off at Randi’s door and run!  I will forever be grateful for God sending Randi to YQL!  She is a quiet, dedicated, hard-working, over-achiever FIRSTBORN and I am also hoping I can add Dog Whisperer to her accolades as well :)

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