Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy 20th Anniversary Marie

Twenty years ago today, I met my BFF.  Sometimes in life, you have these instant connections as if you grew up together.  That was my experience with Marie.  To say I was obsessed with the band U2 was an understatement.  I lived and breathed it.  I had a ton of t-shirts, buttons and their posters plastered all over my room and even on my ceiling.  People probably thought I would grow out of it but it's going on 30 years now, so I am not sure if I will.
Lakeland Newspaper!

U2 hadn’t toured in years.  I was like an addict in withdrawals.  I had seen several shows and then went into YEARS of waiting for them to tour again.  The moment finally arrived and through their fan magazine I bought tickets for their small arena shows.  I was super pumped to see them in a small venue.  The show was in Lakeland, Florida and me and my other BFF Jenny drove down to the show. We got there early to stalk the band for their sound check and that’s when Marie and I met. Larry Mullen, Jr. (the drummer) roared up on his Harley and sheer panic ensued.  There was a particular girl who was having a conniption that was matching the one I was experiencing.  We started hugging and freaking out together.  After things calmed down we took off together to walk around the building and to peer in the windows!  We were hoping that some janitor would leave a door open and we could slip in for the sound check.  We ended up staying at the same hotel and even went back to the venue in the wee hours of the night to befriend a bunch of roadies as they were unloading the stage.  It was a total blast.  

U2 Show - February 29, 1992

I ended up going to Mobile, Alabama shortly after for a visit.  We got to look through all her U2 paraphernalia.  We began to hook up for different U2 shows in different cities and found our U2 soul mates in each other.  It was like we had this understanding that no one else got.  It was a true blessing to find someone who shared the same U2 obsession!  It was awesome to have someone that would be thrilled when I called her from the first place U2 ever played when I visited Dublin, Ireland. (Yes I said obsessed!)  I was ecstatic when Marie woke me up in the night because she just chatted with Bono (lead singer of U2!)  No one would be as impressed as me!

As time, went on our friendship took on a whole new level.  When Marie was getting ready to graduate from college, her mom got sick with cancer and died in just a few weeks of finding out.  It was so shocking and traumatic.  Her mother came to my house to visit and hosted me in hers like the true southern belle that she was.  I loved her mother and walked with Marie through this horrific period.  Not too many years later, she would walk with me through the sudden death of my father.  To have a friend, who understands the pain of loosing a parent at such an early age, was life giving for both of us and so comforting.

Again, people probably thought we wouldn’t stay connected as we grew into adulthood but our love has a depth that will live on forever.  We might not talk for months but the connection has never waned.  I hold her dear as as soul sister who understands a part of me that no other friend ever could.  I love you my dear Marie and so grateful God brought us together 20 years ago!!! May we live long and see many more U2 shows together!!!

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