Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Be Quiet and Listen

I had someone recently tell me to spend time listening to God and to not focus on being productive doing Bible studies, reading and such.  It kind of shocked me because I love to be productive and feel good when I finish my devotionals and studies.  I decided to give it a try about a month ago.  I always pray and hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me and helping me throughout each day, so I thought it would be like that.  It has really blown my mind what God has been speaking to me.  I sit with my computer, I pray, repent and get quiet in my mind and listen.  You have no idea how difficult this is for me.  I think because for years now, I am always behind and never catch up.  Having so many kids has caused me to forget how to sit still, to not to be making lists in my head and racking my brain on what I need to be doing.  I put my fingers on the keyboard and just type whatever I hear.  It’s crazy what comes out.  I know it’s not anything I would be telling myself.  It’s the kind of things that your best friend would like to say to you but is afraid you would be offended.  I have cried some days at what God tells me.  He speaks to the issues of my heart, ever so sweetly bringing correction and direction together.  He straightens my thinking out about people or situations that only He could do.  It’s been very important information that has caused me to feel invigorated and like a true friend of God.  I can’t believe I am over 40 years old before I started doing this.  
I often carry a very heavy burden about how to guide and direct my kids into their future.  I want them to find their passion and get the training they need to accomplish what God has called them to do. I feel completely inadequate and clueless.  I lie in bed awake many nights just wondering if I have made the right decisions.  I am often overwhelmed with how I am going to raise these five precious children that I have been entrusted with.  I fight worry and fear about how we are parenting them.  Today, this is what God spoke to me that touched my heart and brought me peace about my kids.

“Take a deep breath and find rest in me.  You will get more done in a day when you stay calm and trust me.  Don’t fear and fret.  I am watching over all your flock always.  I am all they need.  I will fill in the gaps.  I guard my sheep and fight on their behalf.  No lion will devour them.  You dedicated each one to me and they are mine.  I have great plans for each of them.  Don’t strive and struggle as you guide them.  Release the worry and fear to me and I will walk you through every step.  I do have a plan and provision.  It’s not up to you to figure it out.  It’s up to you to pray and trust me on their behalf.  I am a good father who only gives good gifts and I love to bless my children so be at peace.”  Thank God, He is in charge!  Takes all the pressure off me!

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