Friday, November 18, 2011

Our Straight "A" Night Out

Well finally, we paid our kids off!!  We told them we would have a night out at the Town Center for all the kids making Straight A’s on all four of their report cards.  It’s such a total miracle and we were so proud of them.  We have been so busy every weekend, we haven’t been able to celebrate.  Annie was somewhat harassing me like I was being a slacker or trying to shaft them. I kept trying to make her understand it was their schedule that was keeping us so busy! Tonight was the night.  I was looking forward with just being together with my family!  On the way there, we all said what we were thankful for.  Bonnie said Chick-fil-A Peppermint milkshakes, Bubba said waffle fries, Mags and Annie said their family and then Eddie pipes in that he is thankful for his mommy and daddy because they are nice.  The whole car went, “AWWWWW!!!” It was really precious and surprising!

The Turf at Dicks
We planned on meeting Dan at the Chick-fil-A at the town center.  Our little trick is to go through the drive through and then after we pay, tell them just to keep the food in there because we are coming in.  They always look at me strange but those teenagers have probably never tried to order and pay with 5 kids loose!  At least in the drive through, they are all buckled down.  Annie was crazy. She hurt her finger a couple months ago and the old fingernail fell off in the middle of dinner.  She was so proud and keeps showing everyone her middle finger and also the old nasty fingernail.  It was so gross!  Then the girls went up to order something else and Annie comes back with gift cards.  I was freaking out.  I tried to get Bonnie to take it back but she was like heck NO! Talk about a reality show.  Annie finally put them back but I didn’t look where.  Then Eddie starts spitting out the chocolate chips from his peppermint milkshake onto the table!  My cup got a hole in it, and water was like a fountain going all over me, the table and the floor!   You know you are a spectacle when other tables are kicked back, facing you and laughing long after they have finished their food.  We finally got out of there and went to Bubba’s Mecca….Dick’s Sporting Goods!  The kids acted like crazy psychopaths running and rolling around on the turf area in front of Dicks.  Annie had her shoes off, Maggie was doing cartwheels and Eddie was squealing and rolling.  It was insane. Then we move the chaos inside.  The girls start running up the escalators and Eddie lost Bonnie and kept asking strangers, “Have you seen Sissy?” They would crack up!  Then he keeps giving all the mannequins big hugs and Dan was freaking out!  We had to get out of there before something destructive happened.  Bubba wanted to spend the night there.  We went to the pond to see the fishes and Eddie asked if he could pet them. Lord help me!!  Thankfully, we made it back to the car and home safe (the fish made it too!!!) Shewww, I am kind of hoping they don’t get such great grades this quarter! LOL

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