Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Proud Momma

We had a STARS Basketball game today and the speaker I wanted fell through. Bubba asked me if he could speak and I said pretty negatively, “What are you going to say?”  He FREAKED me out. He just reeled out his talk and sounded so professional and well spoken.  I was stunned.  We got to half time and I talked briefly about how much our BCS gym meant to me as a child growing up and shared about how Bubba has designed countless gyms with Lego’s, drawn plans and had me submit them to our principal, Mr. Walls. (Who always loved them, by the way! :) He has planned how he wants a big Lion, which is our mascot, on the center of the court and a really big student section.  Bless his heart, he even sat through a 3 hour, nightmare city council meeting when he was 8 years old and was appalled when they unanimously denied us in our request to build a gym.  He begged me to talk at the city council meeting that night.  In retrospect, maybe I should have let him talk.  It certainly couldn’t have hurt the outcome we received.

Today, he blew my mind.  My boy got up there and talked about his years playing basketball and how he dreams of playing in a home gym when he gets to middle and high school and then he led all of us in a prayer asking God to provide the money for the gym.  I was beyond proud and just envisioned him as a grown man going to schools and talking to kids, encouraging them to be a good student, teammate and athlete.

It blessed me so because I remember the days of speech class, wondering if anyone would ever be able to understand him besides me. I worried so much about him.  I guess all that speech practice paid off! God is faithful.

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