Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Sherry

Yes life goes on when someone dies but it’s just not fair.  Today is Sherry Robbins’s birthday and oh how sad it is that she is not with us!  I really love when I see her  beautiful smile still on Facebook as I did today, when it reminded me it was her birthday.  Some people die with little disruption in other’s lives while others depart and leave an inconceivable void that seems impossible to ever fill.  That is the case with Sherry.  I am very sure that Sherry had no idea how she impacted countless lives with her kindness, pure heart and enthusiasm.  She took time for everyone.  You never felt like a bother to her or that you were irritating her.  She had the gift of complimenting you about something, every time you saw her.  I really miss her encouragement.

I took time alone today, to celebrate her birth, to miss her, and to cry.  Death is something we will never quite understand.  Yes, we have hope in heaven but the void in our hearts is so painful and draining.  Several friends of mine, have recently lost loved ones.  I have been reflecting about when my Dad died suddenly. I thought I would never have real joy again.  Day after day, I would drag through, still in shock and in survival mode.  Every first time occasion, was like another unwanted milestone.  Slowly and surprisingly, you adjust to your “new” life but it’s never the same.  Thankfully, their presence is always with you and you never really feel apart.   Sherry’s mark on my life will always be with me.  I truly will strive to have a legacy like Sherry, one of love, worship, joy and excellence.  Happy Birthday Sherry!  We sure love and miss you today!

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