Monday, November 14, 2011

Hedge Jumper

Tree Walker Coon Hound she is!
WOW, today I had a new experience with KC.  We were on our morning walk and she was doing her usual ADD routine, sniff, jog, stop.  I was messing with my phone trying to get some music going and she takes off at a full sprint after a squirrel right through a hedge and low and behold I jumped the hedge like a professional hurdler.  Pretty sure I missed my calling when I was on the track team.  I long jumped but clearly, after today,  I so should have tried the hurdles.  I always wonder what people driving by must think with the dog walking/dragging me around the neighborhood.  I hope they get a good laugh for the day!

Missed that one!
After that experience, I started hunting squirrels too!  I would see one and try my best to distract KC on the other side of the rode.  Sometimes she would take off for no reason and force me to run faster than I knew I could.  A policeman, who lives at the end of Forest and a lady were in the front yard when we streaked by and I could see them, staring in utter amazement.  One guy who watched KC drag me into the ditch, asked who was walking whom?  I said there is no confusion with that question…its KC.  It’s been so much harder to train a dog than my kids.  My kids have never blatantly disobeyed me like this dog does.  She is stronger and more stubborn than all my kids!

Tonight I had to run the kids to practice and put a big chair in front of the garbage just in case she decided to rummage through it for the kid’s leftovers from dinner.  I came home to the biggest mess.  She MOVED the chair, opened the cabinet, pulled the garbage out and disheveled it for every last crumb.  I couldn’t even deal with it.  I left it and went to bath two kids and put them to bed.  Luckily, by the time I finished all that, Bonnie came home, and cleaned it all up for me, Praise Jesus for lots of kids to help me take care of our one dog!!

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