Thursday, October 13, 2011

Annie = Olympic Champion

Annie loves the []_[]!
Last night, Dan and I were spellbound watching the Kentucky vs. Tennessee Girl’s Volleyball game.  There was a girl on Kentucky’s team that looked exactly like Annie grown up and another one that looked just like me and even wore my old volleyball number.  We of course started rooting for Kentucky because of it.  Dan started cheering for Annie and we just envisioned our baby girl killing the ball with a powerhouse spike.  

Did I play at Kentucky?  LOL
Annie is a very unique little girl. She is very aggressive and was most proud of herself last year when she got the PE Award just like her brother!  The bad thing about her being so fearless and aggressive is she is always bruised and battered.  She seems to have no regard for safety at all.  Annie is very flexible and can move her arms and legs beyond what looks normal.  It’s always concerned me but I was taking the Ostrich approach (you know sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the problem)  I didn’t want a bad report on my baby girl so I avoided it.  

A month ago, her knee got hurt at school and we ended up getting X-rays.  My friend who is an orthopedic doctor suggested I follow up with a specialist because of her ongoing issues.  Once again, I didn’t follow up due to my fears.  The next week, my pediatrician calls me at home.  Even though I consider her a friend and was happy to hear from her, I asked, “Why are you calling me?”  I racked my brain to see if I was expecting a report or something.  She ran into my orthopedic doctor who is a friend of hers and he told her about Annie. My Doctor insisted that I take her to Nemours and find out what was going on.  She said she would get my appointment going….OK GOD, I WILL OBEY!! 
PE Award like Bubba

We went yesterday and I couldn’t sleep the night before.  I love Annie’s spunk and spirit so much that I dreaded her being limited in any way by a bad report.  They X-rayed her again and did a thorough exam of all her joints.  Praise the Lord, they said she was just fine.  They said she needs to always stay strong and keep her muscles tight and gave her some strengthen exercises to do.  I told the doctor that wouldn’t be a problem!  I asked if there were any activities to avoid and he said no!  I joked and told him good because her goal is to be an Olympic swimmer.  He laughed and said actually, she would have an advantage with her range of motion due to the way she was made.  

My Kickin' Karate Girl!
Annie loves playing on Bubs Flag Football team!
Here I am, woman of faith, thinking all my babies dreams would be dashed and she would have to give up her activities that she loves.  The doctor told her she was made to be an Olympic swimmer!  She went around all day having me tell people what she was made for….Olympic Swimming!  LOL It blessed my heart so much!  I was sorry I have waited years trying to avoid a bad report.  I could have been at peace had I been obedient.  Lord forgive me and thank you for forming my baby perfectly for her future!  #olympicteam2024

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