Monday, October 17, 2011

Marriage Talk

I love when I see a husband or wife compliment their spouse.  I grew up with parents who were so kind and sweet to each other.  I honestly don’t remember them saying anything hateful to each other.  They were each other’s biggest fans.  Isn’t that the way it should be??  It’s so easy to criticize and get lazy about being nice to our spouse.  I really admire Carrie and John Wyatt for how they publically share their love for each other.  You can almost feel the depth of their love by looking at their faces in their pictures together.  They inspire and motivate me! When my Dad died, my mom missed his sweet companionship so much.  I think about that all the time and try to value the time I have with Dan and enjoy every moment.  Our life is filled with constant chaos but we do our best to enjoy the journey and not take the stress out on each other.  We truly love being with each other the most!  We are BFF’s for sure!

Dan has always been so easy to live with and talks so wonderful about me. So many times, friends or office people meet me and say how much Dan brags about what a great wife and mom I am.  I am really not but I appreciate that he thinks so.  I could be a much better housekeeper and cook for sure.  Dan doesn’t seem to notice at all.  He only says good things to me and about me.  He makes me feel so loved and special.  One time a youth group kid was saying how stupid girls were and Dan became indignant and set him straight saying, “My wife is the smartest person I know!”  We still joke about that!  

I also, compliment Dan on a regular basis and look for things to commend him about.  He takes care of himself by exercising and stays in shape and also dresses really nice and has good taste.  He takes care of the cars and the lawn and keeps everything so nice.  He irons clothes like an expert and cooks like a chef.  I believe that the more I encourage him, the more he will do (and yes I am trying to get out of cooking more and more :)  I wish more spouses would make an effort to look for the good in their significant other and focus on that more.  I could go nuts with how Dan leaves his tennis shoes out after running EVERY TIME or I can keep the peace and take Joel Osteen’s advice and “just pick the stinkin’ shoes up and throw them in closet to keep the peace!”  I know it probably drives Dan crazy that I refuse to unload the dishwasher and will wait for days until he or one of the kids does it (it’s one of Bonnie and Bubba’s chores but they are so dang busy.) Now if Dan would only stop being a Facebook hater and join Facebook then we could have public expressions of love too! :)

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