Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dan's Birthday Again....

Some birthdays just never end!! Today, I got two fabulous gifts for my birthday and my sister insisted on having my whole tribe over to celebrate Dan’s birthday!  It’s no small feat to have all the Wogs over! We are like a wild bunch of natives running wild.  I didn’t manage to have any quiet, reserved children so it’s a full on night of excitement for all!

My sister Sharri is the best cook.  She can never tell you exactly how she makes one of her meals but it is always spectacular and uniquely tasty!  I am always amazed at her meals and marvel in the creativity she has in her cooking.  Briefly, I feel bad about my lack of culinary giftings but only until I take the first bite of Sharri’s dinner and I am transported into a state of taste bud heaven!  Food has never looked so beautiful bursting with greens and reds and all colors in between!

My kids are like wild banshees running free with abandonment!  Annie has been asking for skateboard but I can’t think of a kid who needs a skateboard less than her.  She gets hurt walking.  They all had the full skateboard experience and miraculously we had no injuries whatsoever!  Ed and Bubba played basketball and Ed was very proud of himself when he would hit the rim and would give us a big thumbs-up!  Bonnie had her usual hair-styling time with Shelby who is a genius with hair! We had a wonderful surprise visit from my nephew Britt who discreetly had Bubba clear the table and quickly did all the dishes while we sat and enjoyed our visit.  Poor Rhianna (the dog) got assaulted by Ed’s tough love and quickly retreated back inside praying that it would be Ed’s bedtime soon.
My brother in law has worked so hard in creating a beautiful outside environment for all visitors to enjoy!  He crafted an extraordinary fountain that relaxes you with its trickling water sounds.  The deck is surrounded with lights and with our warm Florida December nights, we enjoyed a sensational outside dining experience! 

Maw Maw of course made dessert or all the Wogs would have revolted and a riot might have ensued.  She was attempting to make an orange cake under the direction of Annie and Maggie but mysteriously it turned out peach (her favorite color!)   The time came in the night that I knew if we did not pack up the Wogs and make our grand exit that catastrophe would be upon us so, we hopped up and got out while the getting was good!!  Thanks Godard’s for a night enjoyed by all! (Hope the Wogs didn’t traumatize the neighbors or your cat too much!)

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