Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dog Blog - Birthday Walk with KC

Geez, I was hoping that KC would give me a birthday present and be a good girl on our walk.  It was the worse walk EVER!  Every freakin’ squirrel was out frolicking around in the grass.  She took off chasing more squirrels than I could count.  We got about half way down Kings Road and she apparently wanted to take a left on a random street.  She put on the breaks and would not walk.  I petted her and tried to coax her to come.  Then I yanked on her and then I gave up and we turned left.  She took off running and I held on tight.  We got to the end of the block and she takes a 90 degree turn into a yard around the corner as I tripped over several skateboard ramps  and other junk.  I hurt my ankle and rehurt a burn on my wrist.  

I was not having the birthday morning I was hoping for.  I was so mad at her I told her we were going home.  Unfortunately, MORE squirrels were out and we zig-zaged back up to the main street.  Then she really was making a statement.  She laid down in the grass and would not get up.  I waited, checked my email, and tried to pretend when cars were coming by that I was cool with her lounging in the sun.  Finally, when no one was looking,  I picked up her front legs and made her walk on the back legs.  She did it for awhile and then got mad and tried to nip me.  I let her go and she laid down again.  I talked to my mom and she even offered to come pick up the “brat” so I could get home.  I dodged the passing cars and forced her to walk on her back legs until finally about  a block from home she gave up her rebellion and walked dutifully home.  I was so ticked at her and I’m not real excited about our next walk together.  She is lucky I love her so much!

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