Friday, September 30, 2011

Dog Attack...Almost

Dear Jesus help me…I know you guys wish I would get a life and just accept that I am a dog owner and DEAL WITH IT!  I totally agree.  Well, I have these moments where I feel like I am having an out of body experience.  I had one today.  I was walking down the road and my dog took off going faster than I can run, dragging me behind.  Dan thinks I am ridiculous when I told him about her sporadic behavior.  He reminded me that I am in charge, yeah right!  I do pull on her but it takes a few blocks for me to recover from the shock.  First, the shock of being dragged by a dog, second the shock of running so freakin’ fast.  When I was in PE class at BCS, our coach would make us run a mile and I HATED it!  I vowed to never run again.  I joined the track team, but I picked long jumping to minimize my running.  Today, I could almost hear my legs say, “WHAT THE HECK??”  My muscles were like, “Uhhhh, HELLO, you don’t run!”  I know people that drive by think I am some champion sprinter at how fast I am running or they may not even see me because of the rate I streak by….my lungs were burning and I surely thought I would die.

So…later on, I was on the phone, praying for a friend of mine, who was having a bad day.  KC had calmed down, thank the Lord.   I was in the middle of praying and a pit bull started growling and stalking me. I mean REALLY stalking, like hunched down, walking slow with murder in his eyes and I was petrified.  I stopped praying for my friend and said, “OMG, I am going to be attacked by a pit bull.”  My friend, who is a dog person, takes charge.  She told me to not act afraid, yell at that dog to stop and to leave me alone.  She told me to act like Caesar Milan.  I said, “Please, that stuff doesn’t work.  He does some Dog Voo-Doo.”  My heart was beating out of my chest and KC ducked her ears down and acted scared too.  I was praying the pit bull would get zapped by an invisible fence but no luck.  He crossed the road and got about 10 feet from us. I did my best Caesar in charge stance, stomped my foot and told that dog to stop.  I couldn’t believe it. The dog stopped and turned around.  I really think it was my friend on the phone rebuking the dog/devil but whatever…..I lived!  I still can't believe I have a dog and that she makes me run.  #neversaynever

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