Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Morning Without Kids

I know I have lamented quite a bit about my baby going to school but I think I may be getting the hang of it now!  It is freakishly insane how much I can get done in just a few hours!  I bought myself some half price walking shoes and I’m hoping they will guilt me into power walking more.  KC is somewhat shocked because I am taking her for walks now with my new power shoes!  I was pretty excited because I was listening to this new worship album and it has this song, God in Heaven, that has the PERFECT, fast-walking beat. I was fist pumping and acting like a nut. 

After my walk, I did Yoga, and fly-ladied myself like crazy.  I cleaned bathrooms, mopped the floors, dusted, cleaned off my desk and all the other junk sitting around.  It was amazing how happy and relieved I felt!  I love my kids more than anything but it was quite shocking to not be interrupted in my train of thought every couple minutes.  I’ve spent over 12 years with little peeps chatting me up!  I could really hustle and had the most ridiculously productive day!  I treated myself with my favorite guilty pleasure, yep, you guessed it, a McDonald’s Mocha Frappe….ahhhhhhhh!

The best part of the day, was picking the older kids up early and all of us going to get Ed.  All my kids attended his pre-school and they were so cute looking around at all the changes.  We totally stalked Ed in the window for a few minutes and it was hilarious.  At first, I was having a moment of great pride at how he sat perfect in the circle listening to story time, just playing with a couple matchbox cars.  Then he suddenly got up and went and leaned right in the teachers face and said something to her.  I could almost hear her telling him to go sit back down so she can finish the story. He did sit down but then he hopped up again and went towards the door.  I was afraid that he had seen us and was busting out the door but then he came pack to story time and started holding a girls hand next to him being all friendly! WOW!  Finally, the teacher lined them up and the door opened and his face was priceless!  He laughed and was thrilled to see all four siblings!!  I figured out, when I got home, that he had gone to his cubby and put the matchbox cars in his bag to bring home. Yikes!  I guess he will be apologizing to the teacher for being a little thief! Anyway, I am starting to think maybe this school gig ain’t too bad after all! :)  

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