Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sun Stand Still

I am very thankful for all the wonderful people that God has put in my life that go out of their way to bless the Wogs!  Lately, people have slipped zebra gifts in my box, blessed my kids with presents, helped my kids with their fundraisers, and others who gave me Peter Brooke and books!  I have had a run of blessings lately!  Yesterday, a friend, gave me the most awesome book by Steven Furtick, SUN STAND STILL!  It is just what I needed!!  I am pacing myself through it and trying to soak it all in!  I love to read and set time aside every night after all the little Wogs are in bed!  Some people have morning time with God but I prefer nighttime!! I do read a devotional most mornings but the time I am most alert is at night!  Steven Furtick’s story is quite amazing!  He picked up, as a young, on-fire, kid and moved  to a new city, with a few friends to start a Mega-church.  Old, experienced Christians made fun of him, demeaned him and thought he would never accomplish what he set out to do.  I pray I never do that to the younger generation!

The opening of his book hooked me like I couldn’t believe and I really felt like God was making the connection so ridiculously obvious so I would know He wanted to stir me up and encourage me.  Steven talks about when he moved into town and stood in line at the arena to see a U2 show.  The song came on “City of Blinding Lights” and he leaned over, and told his buddy that one day he would preach on that stage where Bono was singing to a packed house. (That is my favorite U2 song, not a well-known one and that’s what amazed me.  On special occasions, Dan will always turn that U2 song on for me because I love it so much!)  Four years later, Steven and his buddy were pulling up to that same Arena with a line of people around the building, waiting to get in for a special Easter service.  Steven’s friend reminded him of that conversation, as they were seeing the fruition of his audacious faith.  He said he loved that Bono was his opening act (four years previous!)

I love young people so much and so admire them!  I don’t understand when people disregard their input or ideas.  Revolutions are always started by young people not the old and crusty! (Sean Yost's favorite quote of all time :)  I remember when I was young and ambitious and saw God astound me by answering my bold prayers.  I remember so vividly times when people told me it wouldn’t work, and thought I was crazy!  I appreciate crazy! I want to live with that kind of faith again and believe God for BIG things!  I want to see city’s transformed and lives changed.  I don’t want a boring, routine Christianity!  I want Bible-style miracles and crazy answers to prayers.  I want to be like Joshua, who had faith to take the Promise Land when others didn’t.  I want to pray powerful prayers like Joshua who prayed to God for the sun to stop. God answered his prayer and the sun stopped so he could finish his battle and destroy the enemy completely!  Lord, please help us all be bold and courageous all the days of our life and to never shrink back from attempting to change the world for You!

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