Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Born to Blog

I have people ask me all the time, "How do you have time to blog?"  Here is the answer!  I can write and post a blog sometimes in less than 10 minutes.  I type fast and have pictures galore to use. I don’t labor or worry (Sorry for the regular typos!  I am thankful I have a sweet sister in law who will text me if she sees something and I will fix it.) If I have to locate older pictures, that may require a little more time, but I have my pictures organized chronologically, so I can usually find them fast! :) 

I really wish I started blogging years ago, when I first heard about it.  I guess I probably didn’t need it as much as I do now.  I was born to be a communicator.  I spend my days with the five Wogs and a dog, so the blog is a great thing for me.  Communicators will explode if they don’t communicate, so my blog is really therapeutic for me!  My kid’s don’t really want to hear my words of wisdom, like why it’s not smart to stand on the shaky playhouse to dive into the pool or why you shouldn’t tie that rope around your sister’s neck pretending she is a horse.  They don’t know that I was anything other than their mom. Every once in awhile they hear something or see a picture and seem shocked that I actually had a life before kids and traveled the world, even all the way to Israel! (Now, that should be a future Blog for sure!)  It comes so easy to me and because I have been a compulsive picture taker, I have photos for anything and everything!  

I can tell when some people hear about the Wog Blog they think it’s the most self-indulgent thing. I guess it is really but the great thing about the blog is it’s optional.  If people don’t like it, they are not obligated to read it.  I am sure my distant Facebook friends are so relieved that it has curbed the amount of posting I once did.  Mary Black told me one time she had to hide me on Facebook because of all my Miami posting during a game!  LOL! Now I can just funnel my chatty self into the Blog.  I don’t think I have anything life changing to offer just humorous, real stories about raising the 5 Wogs and a Dog and possibly some sentimental moments or helpful hints. I never want for a topic and have a plethora of pending blogs in my head!  The 5 Wogs and a Dog give me more material than I could ever use.  Dan doesn’t mind and even tries to act mildly interested and has even added things here and there to the blogs!  So, that’s why I love to blog!  It has been so much fun and really has blessed me the most. People I never thought would read it, comment or mention it to me when I run into them.  We have fans and it cracks me up. Some get hostile if I miss a day!  One friend told me, that it got her through planning her wedding. It gave her a mental break and usually a laugh!  That makes me feel good!  Now, I just need the t-shirt, “Born to Blog – The Wog Blog!” (Talk about self-indulgent :)

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