Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why I Love Facebook

Cara and Ed 2008
My friend Cara talked me into getting a Facebook 3 years ago.  I thought it was just for young peeps and she assured me it’s for everyone.  She sat at my counter and signed me up!!  It was really strange at first to talk to people out in the open and at first I rarely posted anything.  I just friended people and looked on their pages to see how this thing works.  I started getting the hang of it and felt really smart when I figured out how to post pictures and videos.

Social Media Diva
The person who has taught me to utilize it as a FREE marketing tool is my niece, the Social Media Diva, Alexandra Smith.  She has been so sweet to me and taught me how to tag pictures and how to tag people in my posts and more.  I also was so happy when I learned to post a link to something.  She has never acted like I was a pathetic old person trying to be cool like other people have. (Who now all have Facebooks themselves!) It has been a blessing also for business purposes.  I rented my house by Facebook, got my nephew jobs, even found the Rocky movies I could borrow, got answers to my questions (like what to do when you drop your phone in a pot of water.  Someone told me to put it in rice and it worked!) I have gotten people for our summer camps and church activities too!   The best part is it’s FREE!  Now I have a faction of people who harass me if I don’t post pictures fast enough!  It’s the greatest sharing mechanism of all time.  I keep waiting for my commission check from Facebook for all the people I have recruited for them!  Nothing yet!
Mom busted on her iPhone at a family dinner

The most surprising Facebooker is my mom.  For years she was like ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Then for some reason she snapped and said I could help her start a page.  She was hilarious too. She has a great sense of humor and would post really funny things.  Then mom got an iPhone and I am so thankful.  I totally thought it was a waste of money and told my sister Sharri who was pushing for mom to get an iPhone.  My mom has BLOWN my mind.  She not only LOVES it, she is a procifient texter and can send me pix and videos too!  It was a great blessing during a time when she got really sick and couldn’t be around all my kids.  We stayed connected through Facebook.  She got to see all my pictures and feel a part until she recovered.

It can be strange too when you get unfriended or blocked.  It kind of hurts your feeling in a weird techno way!  Some people I have felt close to, have blocked me (I am still blocked) and that was bizarre to me.  What are they doing that is so bad, that they don’t want me to know about it?  If they want privacy, then why are they even on facebook or why did they accept my request to then block me? Or do they just not want to be included in my life.  It makes you wonder.

Someone told me one time and it’s so true “There are two kinds of creepers on Facebook, those who creep and those who lie!” The fact of the matter is you can no longer disregard the power of Facebook and the impact it has on the world.  You can act like you don’t like it or use it but the result will be that you out of the loop on everything and unconnected.  They even have cell phones with a Facebook button on the outside for easier posting. Are people idiots on Facebook?  ABSOLUTELY!  Everyday I amazed at the people who cuss, who put inappropriate pictures on there and make themselves look like morons.  The best part of Facebook is the delete key.  I wish more people would use it. For me, it is the only social life I have.  For years it seems, I had lost touch with so many people I love in the blur of pregnancy and infanthood.  It’s been a gift to me to reconnect and to be involved and a part of my friends and families lives.  I don’t care about the people that make fun of me for facebooking.  I have nothing to hide and want to share my life with others.

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