Monday, July 4, 2011

The Birth of Miss GBA!

September 13, 2001

July 2003

I have always loved America and have been grateful to live in the USA!  It might have been from going to Israel when I was 13 or Europe after college and most definitely a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. I had a new appreciation for ice, ketchup packets, FREE public restrooms, WATER and all the stuff that we freely give away here in the States!

July 4th 2008
I hit a new level of patriotism on September 11, 2001 along with the whole nation!  I was traumatized and afraid that week.  Dan had just left for a business trip the day before, flying through New York.  His two-day business trip turned into a week, with him having to rent a car and driving home from Vermont.  That week, I started to fly a flag on the house and dress myself, Bonnie and Bubba in flag attire. Well, I have never recovered and still live for patriotic holidays so I can dress all the Wogs up in Red, White and Blue!  I compulsively bought so many Old Navy flag shirts that one day Dan told me to never buy him another flag shirt.  It would truly offend me when he would mow the grass in one of the prized Flag shirts.  What was he thinking?   Here I am painstakingly spot-cleaning the kid’s flag clothes so that I can preserve them for all time!

July 2010
I jokingly called myself Miss GBA (God Bless America) and friends and family started to help me with my new hobby of collecting everything patriotic!  It was much like my zebra skin obsession that started when I was in college when I bought that zebra ski jacket that I still love.  Dan almost forbids me going to the Dollar store during this time of the year.  I have to exercise GREAT self-control when I go there!  It’s true “Patriotic Heaven!”

July 2010
So far, my kids don’t balk with our matching patriotic clothes and I am praying that they always have an appreciation for our country.  During the summer, I always try to quiz my kids on American trivia and make sure they know our country's history. I think it should honestly be a priority for every American family!  We truly have a Godly heritage with our Founding Fathers acknowledging their desperation and dependence on God!  It truly was a miracle that we defeated England and gained our independence!  Prayer was the foundation of our Nation.  It grieves me so that the true facts of our Nation’s history are being lost.  It’s up to us to keep the truth alive by educating our children so that they will appreciate how blessed they are to live in America, land of the free and home of the brave!  #happy4thofjuly  #godblessamerica

July 2011

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