Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Beach Blog

Wow, did I make everyone’s day or what?  I was coming home from church, with Ed and was sitting at the 5-way intersection on Penman.  I saw this mass amount of people on bikes crossing the road and when I looked closer, it was Dan and the four older kids!  It was quite a sight.  Ed saw them and started crying, “I want to go with Daddy! I want to get on my Buzz LIghtyear scooter and catch up.  I don’t want to go to bed….!”  I agreed to let him go with Daddy after I ate lunch.  

If you know my redhead self, you know I don’t EVER go to the beach.  It’s not because I don’t like it.  It’s because of the multiple skin cancer surgeries I have endured.  One surgery, 10 years ago, was some of the worse pain of my life.  I grew up on the ocean front and the beach was my yard for over 13 years.  I love the ocean and love to body surf and all!  I used to torture myself trying to get a tan or at least some color.  I have experienced the worst pain with bubbled blisters on my nose and shoulders multiple times and remember lying with aloe all over me.  It was in the days before waterproof 50 SPF.  I had an idiot in college tell me I would be really “hot” if I would get a tan and I responded, “Yeah, you would be “hot” too if you weren’t going bald!” (Oh yes I did!)  Anyway…I graduated college and spent the summer working at a Young Life camp, Windy Gap in NC. I got sovereignly delivered by God of trying to be tan. I can still see this girl from Ohio in a black bikini with the whitest skin I had ever seen. Even whiter than the vampire Cullen’s!!  She could care less she was blinding everyone, swam and was so self-confident.  Something clicked inside me and that was the end of me EVER laying in the sun again.  I show my kids my scars from surgery and try to scare them into using sunscreen.  Poor Bonnie, when she was a baby was so hot with a hat on and my mom told her to take it off and she said, “NO! I don’t want stitches and skin cancer!”  My mom was appalled with my scare tactics!  I still do it and hope it works!

OK, so back to Eddie.  I got his suit on and sun screened us both up and grabbed my new zebra sun hat my sister gave me and jumped in the car. I took a quick side trip and treated myself to this camp chair I have always wanted.  It has a little roof on it and was on sale at Ace for $20, which is a great deal!  Ed and I parked on 1st Street and he whined the whole block saying over and over again, “I don’t want to be scared!  I don’t want to be scared!”  I guess he was traumatized last year at the beach or something.  

When Dan and the rest of the family saw Ed and I, a cheer erupted!  I got settled in my new chair, with my new zebra hat, under an umbrella and dared the sun to burn me!! Ed had a big time getting sandcastle lessons from Laura and Zach!  Ed was a little suspect that Zach was going to throw him in the ocean but eventually was frolicking in the surf!!  The highlight for me was when Laura showed me how to create a Wog Blog app on my phone!! Bubba had just asked me if we could do that!  My older kids kept staring at me like they were in shock!  At one point, I thought a boy was trying to drown Bubba and I thought I was going to have to grab this paddle and beat the kid off my son!  It is a little stressful with Wogs all over the place.  Annie even got a head wound with blood.  All and all it was a beautiful day with a nice breeze and I don’t think I got an ounce of sun either!  #beachbum #thewogblogapp #nomoresundaynaps

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