Friday, July 22, 2011

Parenting Ain't for Sissies - Part 3

Generations of youth ministry!
Wow does time fly!  I had a big reminder of that tonight!!  Oh so many years ago, probably getting close to 20, when I was the Youth Pastor at Beaches Chapel, we did our first Progressive Dinner on Bikes.  You go from house to house having appetizers, salad, dinner and dessert on bikes.  Oh how fun for the kids and stressful for the leaders!  It’s quite interesting keeping 40 plus kids from doing stupid things and keeping them safe!  Two students that participated in that madness were the current Youth Pastors, Kelly and James!  Oh the fun we had together back in the day and the craziest part of it all is now my baby girl is one of their youth group members.  She has loved this past year so much and has had a blast!  It does my heart good that so many of the things Dan and I started have been continued by Kelly and James and now our girl gets to enjoy the fun too! Tonight was awesome! We hosted the dessert part of the dinner and made Brownie Ice Cream Sundaes!  The kids ate dessert, played basketball and swam in the pool!!  They were all so well behaved and polite!
My Bonnie!
For me, the “growing up so fast” part of parenting has been the hardest to digest.  Poor Kelly and James!  I drove them nuts so freaked out about her joining the youth group.  I still can’t really believe she is old enough and I honestly wish she were still a little girl!  She is so beautiful and sweet and I want to keep her that way as long as possible. 

I have worked with youth most of my adult life and I know a lot about teenagers but it’s a whole different ballgame when it’s your innocent, beautiful daughter.  You see it from a totally different perspective.  I want to publically repent for not being more compassionate on freaked out parents who were overprotective.  I would be more overprotective if I could but I restrain myself and let her grow up so I won’t loose her.
James and Jesse
James is a bit of a bugger though.  He likes to send me tormenting texts when Bonnie is in his care like, “Was Bonnie missing a finger on one of her hands?” or “All Bonnie needs is money for dinner and a bullet proof vest because it’s a rough area!” Crap like that and I laugh to myself at how I can repay him when he has a blonde little girl that looks just like Jesse!! Oh the paybacks I am planning!!  

Kelly has been great!  She is patient with me and even texts me lovely pictures of my girl at her first camp!!  I am grateful that two youth groups kids that we helped raise as their youth pastors, will be there for my kids and help us train the Wogs up in the way they should go!  #thecircleoflife #thankful

Organized Chaos!!

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