Sunday, July 10, 2011

Water Babies!

Grammy and Poppy swimming in the pool
I grew up on the oceanfront and lived in the ocean. I only swam in a pool a few times growing up and always heard what a lot of hassle they were.  Dan’s family always had pools and he loved them!  Nine years ago, out of the blue, Dan found a great deal on a bigger house for us and was so thrilled because it had a pool.  I wasn’t excited at all.  I thought pools were pure danger for my kids and tons of extra work to maintain.  We ended up buying the house and before we moved in we started Infant Swimming Research lessons with Ms. Page Holt!  She has successfully trained 5 Wog kids to swim like fish!  I think that is the best gift you can give your child, confidence around water.  I know from a very bad experience.
Bonnie and Bubs ISR graduation!

When Bonnie was three she almost drowned at our River house.  I was with her on the shore and turned my back for just a second and her cousin Shelby asked me if Bonnie could swim.  I turned around and there was no splashing, flailing or anything.  All I saw was Bonnie’s beautiful face right under the surface of the water reaching up to me.  I dove in, dragged her out choking and gasping for air. She had no color in her face and was blue.  Finally she threw up a bunch of water and started breathing.  I sat there, holding her to my chest, realizing I almost lost my precious daughter.  It traumatized me and I as I write this seven 9 years later, I get tears in my eyes.  It was the most frightening moment of my life and I felt like a failure for not teaching her to swim.  Ms. Page changed all that and my kids LOVE swimming and LOVE our pool so much! Thank you Ms. Page!
Annie's ISR graduation day!

Eddie's ISR graduation!
As usual Dan knows best and I LOVE that pool more than anyone.  My kids swim almost everyday from March to October.  It wears them out, gives them exercise and keeps them cool on hot summer days!  It really bothered me though when Bubba told his 2nd grade teacher that he didn’t take a shower all summer though! LOL I pray he told her it’s because he was in the pool  everyday! We had a particularly fun time today!! The kids LOVE when Dan and I get in the pool with them.  I stay in the deep end because it’s always shady! Today we played Marco Polo and I started yelling Rubio after someone would yell Marco!!  Couldn’t help it!  Then we played some volleyball!  Yes there were some tears when Annie didn’t get enough chances to do her “Power Serves!”  Dan switched the pool over to salt from chlorine and now on bad allergy days, talk about saline nasal spray!  Now Bonnie’s hair isn’t green anymore and bathing suits last much longer!!  All and all I thank God for this pool and what a blessing it has been to my family and YES Dan was right AGAIN! #fatherknowsbest

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