Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ed = VBS Drop-out

All 4 other Wog kids loved VBS at Eddie’s age!  Ed is such a different, individual child.  He is a bit of a non-conformist and it concerns me.  I stayed with him the first day and all he wanted to do in chapel was play on my iPhone.  At one point he was playing the Black-Eyed Peas while the rest of the kids were worshipping God.   He was not a good listener when the teacher said to walk in a straight line or sit on the carpet.  His stamped handprint was a mess too.  I was envious at the other children’s perfect little hands and Eddie thought we were finger painting or something.  His best behavior surfaced at snack time with him possibly beating all the other kids pounding his chex mix and lemonade.  I think it may be from jockeying for food at the Wog house.  We made it to 11 AM and I couldn’t take it anymore and dropped him off at Mom’s.  I know most of his problem is me.  I should have probably left him or had a firm talk with him but I am tired.  5 Wogs have worn me out and I don’t have the same “toe-the-line” parenting style I had with the first few.  I asked him the second day if he was excited to go to VBS and he said, “I went to the VBS!”  He thought it was a one-day affair.  Been there, Done that!

I have recently told my Mom that I forgive her for putting me to bed at daylight.   I remember sitting in my bed looking out the window with my siblings riding their bike around and around the house.  NOW, I understand and I feel guilty because I must have been as obnoxious and chatty as Eddie.  Thank you Lord for blackout shades!  Ed hopefully won’t be as traumatized going to bed in daylight as I was!

I am making a commitment today to try and change that, to work on Ed’s listening skills, curb his iPhone addiction and discipline him when he says inappropriate things to me like, “HUSH!”  He is going to K3 in the fall and Dan said he is going to be embarrassment to us if I don’t work on his manners and back-talking this summer.  I just wish he wasn’t so darn cute!  It sure makes it hard to punish him when I am laughing amazed at his sassiness. #babyofthefamily #obnoxious #ishouldknow

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